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Photos: Accident along Dei Dei police Barack in Abuja

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 01:09 PM PDT

An accident happened along Dei Dei Police Barack just before the bridge in Abuja this afternoon. A speeding truck rammed into a car (see how badly damaged the car is above) but fortunately the driver of the car came out without a scratch. See his photo after the cut...

Dear LIB readers: My man keeps celebrating his female friends on instagram and I don't like it

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 01:01 PM PDT

From a female LIB reader...
My husband keeps posting photos of his female friends on his instagram saying its either their birthday or wedding anniversary or something and I don't like it. Just yesterday night, he posted a photo of his colleague saying it is her birthday. I have told him repeatedly that this his action makes me jealous, yes jealous but he says he doesn't see anything wrong with it. Am I over reacting or not? Is it even right for married men to be celebrating their female friends on their instagram pages, especially when their wife is one of their followers?

Full transcript: What president Jonathan said at MeetThePresident event

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 01:11 PM PDT

Sponsored post.
On Sunday the 1st of March 2015 a little over 200 young Nigerian professionals, businessmen and entrepreneurs engaged President Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in the first of its kind youth interactive forum tagged #MeetThePresident which held at Eko Hotel, Lagos. According to the organisers of the event, PVC (Participate, Vote, Country), the event was aimed at creating a platform for young Nigerians to interact and engage with Mr. President and also provide the opportunity to ask him pertinent questions around matters on elections, economy as well as security, in a first of its kind 'uncensored' manner to enable them hear first hand from Mr President himself….and ask they did! 
The event was aired live on both NTA and AIT and questions were answered in real time. Find below the full interview, which was hosted by the duo of GbemiOlateruOlagbegi of the Beat FM, Lagos alongside Gbemileke Oscar Oyinsan of City FM Lagos. 

Gbemi Olateru: I'm excited because this is the first of its kind event where the president will get to sit with, interact and ask questions. We are very excited to see this happen.
Gbemileke Oscar: Mr. President are you comfortable sir?
Mr. President: I'm always comfortable when I'm with my children
Gbemi Olateru: We are happy that you are here and we have a lot of questions. But first I have to ask you this sir, what is it like being the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria? Is it a difficult job? What is it like?
Mr. President: Well, that is a question that is difficult to explain. It is a challenging job no doubt about that and is also a job that every Nigerian would love to do because it has to do with service, its about how do we help the women, the youth, how do you help to reposition your country so that your country will stand tall.
Gbemileke Oscar:Let me take the temperature of Mr. President's Chair, will you confirm that your chair is very cool?
Mr. President: The chair is very comfortable (Laughs).
Gbemileke Oscar: Before you arrived here, every individual here had some snacks. To the best of my knowledge every President eats and without good healthy eating, you really can't do much. So what is your favorite food Mr. President?
Mr. President: One thing I love Nigerians for is that we love our native food. I'm from a minority part of this country, there's a unique food we call it "Onunu" or an alternative name "Ebobo", depending on the sub tribe of the Ijaws. The principal component is Boiled Yam or Ripe Plantain, either you boil it or you mash it.
Gbemileke Oscar: Hope you don't mind a small delegation of this crowd coming over to the Aso Rock kitchen to eat this delicacy?
Mr. President: You are invited. (Laughs)
Gbemi: Mr. President, what is your favorite colour?

Mr. President: Colour? The colour I wear depends on how I want to appear. If I want to wear Agbada, I prefer white. If I want to wear the traditional Niger Delta wear, I prefer Grey.
Gbemileke Oscar: What's your Sporting Culture like? What do you do for exercise?
Mr. President: I exercise regularly
Gbemi: What's your favorite Football team?
Mr. President: You don't know? You don't even need to ask me… It is the Super Eagles (Laughter / Claps).And of course the younger national teams and the (Super) Falcons.
Gbemi: If you were not the President and you had to pick between being an Actor and a Musician, which would you be?
Mr. President: Well, it's often difficult to differentiate between the two. I love people in the Entertainment industry. I would have loved to be both, unfortunately I can't sing, I croak (Laughter)
Gbemileke Oscar: On a lighter note, before we begin to take questions from the crowd. The advent of selfies had become quite rampant and to the best of our knowledge we've not seen you in a selfie so if the crowd permit, can we take the first Presidential selfie?
Mr. President: (Laughs) Sure!
Gbemi: One last thing before the serious questions, you are the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, do you get to sleep?
Mr. President: On the average, I sleep between 1.30am/2am and wake up 6am, mainly Mondays to Fridays. On Saturday and Sundays, maybe a little more, you can add about 30 minutes. (Laughter)
Gbemileke Oscar: A number of us are very curious to find out what type of books you read and what inspires you to govern this great Nation?
Mr. President: Most Presidents read Biographies and Governance issues but governing Nigeria is quite challenging and it's not easy to find the time to read a book beginning to end. But somehow, you find time to read some excerpts of books. Since I became a President, the only book I've been able to read beginning to end is Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom" and that's because I had a long flight journey. I love to read and there's not enough time. Mostly like books on Biographies.

Questions from the Audience:

Questionnaire 1: My name isDayo Israel ,I am one of the biggest fans of your administration and even people who are not here, who are either supporting the opposition have been fans of your administration. I think a lot of the issues they are concerned about is why didn't Mr. President take (military) action? And I think if you can answer that question to all the Nigerians who are watching here it might actually help you win hearts and minds. They are wondering why now you are just going to Baga? They are wondering why the military are just entering Sambisa forest? Why couldn't we do that six months ago, they are wondering why you chose to go to Paris when you could have gone to Chibok that you just did recently. So the question Mr. President is why now?
Mr. President: First let me use this opportunity to congratulate the Army and what they are doing now. And let me use this opportunity to call on Nigerians to encourage them.  Some days back, Cameroun took the streets to commend and appreciate their Armed Forces. The challenges we are facing are much more than that of Cameroun.  But here in Nigeria, sometimes we even admonish unnecessarily the Armed Forces. If you've been listening to us, you will know that we've been trying to get the appropriate equipment to confront the challenges we have. Fighting Terror or Terrorist, they are not conventional fighters. If we are facing a war with another country, both countries obey international best practices when it comes to fighting. We are controlled by the kind of equipment we use, you must not use chemical weapons you must not use biological weapons you must know the caliber of weapons for offences and so on. But criminals don't obey these laws so to tackle them, you must get some specific weapons that you require if you use certain weapon or aggression you are not supposed to use, the international community will be after you. They have even started accusing us of human right abuses, meanwhile Nigerians are been killed, which means that there are some categories of weapons you need to prosecute such fights and over the period we've been trying to get. At the beginning we thought we were going to crush Boko Haram with what we had but it proved abortive so we have to recalibrate our security architecture and that is what we've done up to this moment and we've not yet gotten all we've paid for. But at least we've gotten about 65 to 70% and that is why the prosecution of the war is getting better every day. It is not that I waited. It is wrong to say that we waited until elections. These elections would have been held on the 14th of February. In that case, this would have been done before that 14th of February. It has nothing to do with Elections. I feel sad that as a Nation, we play Politics with serious National issues. People must separate serious issues that affect all Nigerians from the Politics.  Jonathan is President today, some other person will be President tomorrow. Nigeria is our own country. We must have a country before we have a President.
Questionnaire 2: I'm a consultant and a Policy analyst. They say in Nation building, that it takes the wisdom of the Elders and the energy of the Youths; we want to know after May 29th, what are the plans you have for the young people?
Mr. President: If you look at the history of the nation, though you are young people but the good thing is that you are well educated.  From 1960 when we gained Independence, very few people went to school so a number of young people were involved in Governance because very few people were educated.  When we had the military coup that led to Gowon becoming Head of State, Gowon became the Head of Government at the age of 32. In my State, former Old Rivers State, Diette Spiff was our first Military Governor at the age of 28+. Today if you say that a 30 yr old person should be a Governor, people will shout that he is too young but you can see Spiff and Gowon were essentially Leaders as youth. But after that, more people secured Education and University degrees and it became and issue of the same older people running things. But within this period, we have a number of programs. We have increased the number of Universities in the country to create opportunities for young people to get degrees. We are also training people within the country and outside the country in Technical areas.
But one area we are passionate about is that we want creating more young Millionaires and Billionaires in through our YouWin Programme and the Agropreneur, the Agriculture programme. Globally, the average age of millionaire is 35 years old. And this is also influenced by the Technology and ICT. The people like Dangotes and Jim Ovias are not growing younger. So you must breed younger people that must take over. And we give grants to young people to venture into Manufacturing and other areas of Commerce and Industry. It's like Venture Capital. Normally in Venture Capital, you have more than 50% failure rate but the YouWin programme is less than 10%. It's very successful. We are also encouraging younger people in Entertainment industry, in Sports. Our commitment is that in any area that a young person has the skills and the talent, they will be encouraged.  Those interested in taking us to the moon, because I believe within the next 15 to 20 years, we should also be on the Moon. And we are training the young people also, that is why we have special scholarships selected from amongst first-class students. First you must get First class in the Technical Areas, including Economics and then you are selected and sent to Best universities in the world, that is to get the top level of brains that can take us to the moon or in areas of Molecular Biology or Genetics. We are doing everything to make sure that the Nigerian youth will be at the top globally.
Gbemileke Oscar: My colleague Gbemi and I were discussing when she sent a tweet that people should tune in and watch this interview and some of the young Nigerians tweeted back at us that there was no light to watch this live broadcast so I want us to focus on the issue of power. Is there anyone out there who can ask a question on Power (Electricity)?
Mr. President:  (interjects) "You have already asked the question." (Laughter)
Mr. President: (continues)To be fair to the young people. What they want is power. Before my time, the Federal Government had absolute control of the power sector, 100% control.  Even states are not allowed to generate power for commercial purposes and so we are now moving away from a Federal Government-100%-or-absolute control of the total value chain in the power sector to a Private-sector-control of the value chain; from generation to transmission to distribution. We've done the privatization successfully and at least that is a process that key players from all over the world participated and all of them agreed that it was transparent, conducted professionally like it would have been anywhere in the world. And the one thing remaining is managing the interface between the transition from Federal Government control to the private-sector control.  And we promise that we are already on it, in the next 12 or probably 18months, we will be able to transit completely.  Already some Power companies have doubled their Production. So I plead with Nigerians that we are almost at the end of Epileptic power supply.  I believe in the next 12 to 18 months, Power will be reasonably stable that our young men and women can watch this kind of programme from wherever they are.
Questionnaire 3: My name is Barrister Ivie OmoregieI'm a Barrister with Templars. I wanted to ask you, in light of the recent increase in Importation duties on Motor Vehicles to encourage Manufacturers in Nigeria, especially Nigerian-made cars. At what point do you intend to change your convoy to Nigerian-made vehicles?
Mr. President: That is a very good question. I totally agree with you. When I grew up, when Peugeot (PAN) manufactured cars in Nigeria, all Government vehicles were Peugeot cars. But now what has happened because of the Security challenges, at least back then, the country was a bit calm.  I even remember as Deputy Governor, the first car I used after elections was a Peugeot Car. The Governors were using Peugeot cars. Now that we have stimulated the Auto Industry, we will make sure that they produced the caliber that is needed. We believe in the next few months, up to a year, they will be able to provide cars that all Government officials, from the President down, will use. I will definitely prefer to ride in a car produced in this country.

Questionnaire 4: My name is Tomi Adeoye, I'm a Production Manager in the Entertainment Industry – First I would like to commend your administration in Health care, especially the Ebola Virus, the Polio Virus and also Life Expectancy rates in Nigeria have increased. My question is what are your plans for the Health sector come May 2015.
Mr. President: One area that is key to all of us is Health. It is when you are sick that you really appreciate the value of good health and there is no Government that will not take the Health sector seriously. The Health sector is divided into two components – the Primary Health sector that is the basic health of all of us. And then the Tertiary ones, for example the issues of Kidney transplant, Heart Operations, Neurosurgery, etc.  In fact those are the areas that a number of Nigerians go outside this country for, what is regarded as health tourism, where Nigerians go to India, Egypt, Europe, etc. On both fronts, we are addressing it aggressively. At the level of the basic health issues, presently, we have completely eradicated Guinea worm, which was a problem in some parts of the country. Also Polio, I remember in 2011 at the Commonwealth Head of States in Australia. The commonwealth had a special session on Polio because the world was wondering why should we still have deformed children for a disease condition that was controllable. At that time only 5 countries incubated Polio and unfortunately Nigeria was among. And I promised that Nigeria must get out of polio.  We would have gotten out of Polio in 2014 but there was some wrong interpretation of the vaccines that were used, especially in the Northern part of the country. Some people, including a Professor, preached that Polio vaccines reduced the reproductive rate of women. In fact some of the officials of Government that were doing the immunization were attacked and even killed. So that gave us some setback.  As we speak now, the last Polio case was recorded in Kano in June last year. God willing, this year Nigeria will be declared free of Polio.
At the tertiary level, where a lot of Nigerians travel abroad, what is described as health tourism. When I was a Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State, my younger sister had some problems with her heart, her neutral valves. I asked my personal physician where can we go for this and he said the nearest place was in Ghana. I asked, "Don't we have anything in Nigeria, do we have to go to Ghana?"  He saidyes, we had to go to Ghana where some Missionaries managed the Hospital.
But now some of our Nigerian Teaching hospitals are handling Open Heart surgeries, some are handling Kidney transplants; all these were not there before. In fact University of Benin started good work in the use of stem cells but just like most teaching Hospitals around the world, suspended the work due to Human rights issues surrounding Stem cells. So both at the Primary and Tertiary level, we are doing well and will even improve on that because we believe that a country like Nigeria should have very good Health facilities such that Neighboring countries should come and not the other way round.
Questionnaire 5:  My name is Raheem Ajayi and I'm a Consultant. Why is it that it is when elections are fast approaching that Mr. President gathers young men and women of Nigeria to discuss? What is the plan of Mr. President to have young men and women as a kind of Committee that will advise because as a president of this county, there is a big wall around you that people tell you what they want you to hear, but the second option is having a selected people one at a time maybe monthly that will tell you the feelings of the people on the street.
Mr. President: Thank you, there are two branches to the question - First is why is it that it is only when elections are close that the president starts interacting with people whether young or old and the second one is the issue of using young people in Government.
First, all over the world, governance is a serious business that is why people feel that when elections are getting close we spent the greater part going round and of course if the President or Governor is going round for campaigns, governance will suffer. That is why after inaugurating a President, you spend more time governing.  I would have love to go to the six geopolitical zones even quarterly to have town hall meetings and so on but sometimes it is almost impossible. In fact for this program, I promised that I was going to be here one hour before the time so that we will start exactly at 7pm on the dot. But it wasn't possible and that is just for today. So if a president will host this kind of forum regularly the government will suffer in many ways. That is why all over the world, in most cases when it is getting close to election almost like close the government down then you start going round to campaign, and of course based on the control of electoral bodies in Nigeria, that is INEC, if you do this regularly, Governance will suffer. Of course I agree with you that this could be done from time to time but not regularly.
The issue of young people, in this administration we have been using a number of young people in one way or the other. But I think the issue is to increase the number. As a nation in terms of young people getting involved in governance, of course a number of young people are involved in governance at local government level in most states. From the Chairman down are young people, at the state level in most states more than 80% of the state assembly members are young people. The commissioners at the state level, a number of them are very young people.  It is at the federal level that you see that you see that most of the ministers are fairly elderly. The youngest minister in my cabinet has left to be the deputy governor of his state, Minister of State (2) for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Nurudeen from Jigawa State, he's the youngest member of my cabinet.  I think I will increase the number of young people in my cabinet in the next dispensation. At the advisory level, my Senior Special Assistant on Youths and Student matters. He just finished his Masters degree and we brought him in. My assistant on Job creation is also a very young person from Benue state. So we have young people at that level. But at the Cabinet level, I believe we will increase the number so young people are playing significant role in the government. 
Gbemileke Oscar:On a lighter note sir, what is the temperature of your chair right now sir?
Mr. President:  It is still comfortable (Laughs)
Gbemileke Oscar: Thank you very much and on a final note, do not forget that your PVC is your vote, make sure you get it and Vote.


So they're still harrassing women for being out after 9pm in Abuja?

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 12:32 PM PDT

A few years ago, many women complained about being arrested, branded prostitutes and taken away by officials of the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) when they are found out and about in the city at night without a car. Looks like it's still happening...

Vintage bottles! Check out Coke's transformation through the years

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 12:22 PM PDT

Pictured here are the different bottles Coke has packaged itself with through the years. Which is your favorite?

Chrissy Teigen goes fully naked for beach shoot with John Legend

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 12:05 PM PDT

John Legend's wife model Chrisy Teigen posed completely nude in a new sexy photo shoot at Miami beach with her husband yesterday Tuesday March 10th. John could hardly take his eyes and hands off his beautiful wife during the shoot. See more photos after the cut...

 Photo credit: INF photo

Tinubu's wife Oluremi Tinubu attacked at National Assembly today?

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 10:00 AM PDT

According to Ojudu Babafemi, an APC Senator representing Ekiti Central constituency in the Senate, supporters of Senator Musiliu Obanikoro allegedly attacked Senator Oluremi Tinubu at the National Assembly today. This was while Senator Obanikoro was in the Senate Chamber waiting to be confirmed at minister. See more of his tweets after the cut...

Falz, Chigul, Andre Blaze land mouth-watering deal with PriceCheck

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 09:52 AM PDT

Good times are here for popular singer, Falz, comedienne, Chigul, TV host, Andre Blaze and comic actor, Patrick Onyeke, who recently signed a new deal with price comparison website, PriceCheck.

Although no one can tell how much they were paid, words have it that the entertainers are very excited about the deal. They will now join PriceCheck to host a new radio show, PriceCheck radio show.

While speaking about the new show, an excited Chigul said, "Everything about this show will be fantastic, from the content to the hosts and I am very excited to be a part of it! I can't wait to get started and I hope people love it.

Falz on his part described it as "a brilliant opportunity to work with some very talented and funny people." Going further he said, "I am looking forward to sharing a studio with these guys. It looks like it will be so much fun."

The show was created to give online shoppers an opportunity to compare prices and get good bargains from the comfort of their homes and will air on Radio one 103.5 FM, Brila FM 88.9, and Metro FM 97.7.

Listen to the exclusive recordings of Nigerian Singer, Skales' interview episode and the other popular acts HERE.

I said it! There's a Kim-Kanye three-way sex tape for sale?

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 09:42 AM PDT

Kanye's laptop was stolen in Paris yesterday and now, MTO is claiming the thieves that stole it want to sell something they found on it. A threesome involving Kim, Kanye and another blonde. Probably not true but read below..
"MediaTakeOut.com just got some blockbuster News - a man is selling a sextape - which reportedly shows Kim and Kanye and a blonde haired woman, engaged in three-way sex. We were unable to confirm the identity of the parties on the tape - but it sure as f*ck looked like Kim and Kanye . . . allegedly. We're gonna say a lot of allegedly here, because Kanye's laptop was stolen in Paris earlier this week . . . and we're not trying to snitch on anyone that may or may not have stolen it.
We also are not admitting to possessing, viewing, or ANYTHING whatsoever with the stolen property. So here it goes. ALLEGEDLY we spoke to a person who claims that they may have ALLEGEDLY accidentally came upon Kanye West's personal laptop. The individual is ALLEGEDLY claiming to have hacked into it, and is looking through the hard drive. The drive ALLEGEDLY contains music, designs, emails - basically a treasure trove of DATA. And the individual allegedly is trying to sell it off piece by piece. We're not really interested in fashion, or songs, but our eyebrows ALLEGEDLY raised when we heard that an alleged SEXTAPE showing THREE-WAY ACTION between Kanye, Kim and a Blonde model was allegedly for sale. We're told that the tape allegedly is very graphic - and it must have occurred AFTER North's birth . . . cause Kim's belly clearly looked like she had her baby pouch. Oh and we have a receipt - that won't get us into any LEGAL TROUBLE. Kanye's GOOD MUSIC artist Malik Yusef, who is with him in Paris - CONFIRMED that Yeezy's laptop was stolen. Wow . . . we can't wait to see who buys the tape . . . ALLEGEDLY.

Photos: FineCoats Paint Lagos building on fire

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 09:21 AM PDT

The factory of FineCoat limited, a paint producing company situated at Caaso bustop in Alagbado, Lagos, is currently on fire. The fire started from the topmost floor of the highrise building. Firefighting trucks are at the scene. More photos after the cut...

Wait, what? This is a seat on an Arik plane? (photo)

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 09:12 AM PDT

According to twitter user @sasalam, he paid more than N20k today for seat 14F on #ArikAir W3 721. He got to the seat and viola! - No upholstery, just bare metal. He refused it and told the air hostess who just shrugged like it was something normal. Arik Air, what is this?

Gov. Fashola calls on GEJ to caution his wife over recent comments

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 09:08 AM PDT

Lagos state Governor, Babatunde Fashola has called on President Jonathan to call his wife to order over what he says is 'inciting speech' credited to her in recent times. Governor Fashola said President Jonathan's silence over recent remarks made by his wife and some associates like Asari Dokubo indicates his approval.

He said this while playing host to the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, Prof. Chidi Odinkalu at the state house yesterday March 10th.
"When some people say if the president did not win an election, this will happen and the president kept quiet, what message is he sending to Nigerians? He is telling us that we are not safe if he doesn't win. The president must speak up and reassure Nigerians that the country must be safe no matter the outcome of the election.
That is his responsibility. It is not enough to sign a peace accord but to act it. If the president wants to campaign in any state 24 hours, he is allowed but there are things he must publicly dissociate himself from. He must publicly dissociate himself from his wife's inciting comments, he must. He must disown them and his leadership will be defined by whether he does it himself or ask his aides to go and say it. When all is said and done, this election will define his tenure for many reasons" he said

New Music - Nwakorrekt - Somebody

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 08:59 AM PDT

Fast rising act, Nwakorrekt signed to Chocks Records kickstarts his 2015 music campaign with this club banger titled "Somebody". This track, already receiving massive plays in the street and clubs, is a must have for any buzzing music lover... Download, Play and Enjoy Good Music

Oh no! Kanye West's laptop stolen in Paris last night?

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 08:52 AM PDT

Malik Yusef is a spoken word artist under Kanye West's G.O.O.D Music and according to him, the rapper's laptop was stolen last night in Paris. Oh no! Oh well, expect leaked sex tapes in 5…4…3..:-)

Oh dear! You guys need to read this press statement from FFK

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 08:43 AM PDT

My goodness! These politicians don't play at all. The spokesperson of the PDP Presidential campaign organization, Femi Fani-Kayode released a statement just this afternoon alleging that APC is planning to run a documentary about the private lives of President Jonathan, his wife and the Petroleum Minister, Dieziani Allison Madueke. 

He said that APC can say all they want about Pres. Jonathan in the documentary but one thing they cannot say about him is that he engages in gross and perverse intimate affairs with little boys unlike one of the APC leaders who is sponsoring the planned documentary. Ouch! He also alleged that while Buhari was in the UK recently to solicit for support for his presidential bid, he agreed to repeal the anti-gay law signed by President Jonathan in January 2014. Full text of what he said after the cut...

Gentlemen of the media,
Let me start by expressing the gratitude of our Campaign Organisation to all of you for the support you have been showing us since we started this journey. 
We invited you here today to intimate the Nigerian people, through your esteemed media organisations, about a despicable and wicked agenda that is being orchestrated by the opposition to scandalise, undermine and bring into disrepute our candidate, President Goodluck Jonathan (GCFR), his wife, the First Lady of Nigeria, Dame Patience Jonathan, our Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Allison Maduekwe and other key government functionaries and members of his administration. 
The special operations and intelligence wing of my Directorate has been reliably informed that the opposition is planning to air a documentary about the private lives of President Jonathan, the First Lady and the Minister of Petroleum Resources. The documentary is riddled with falsehood and it is vulgar, smutty, cheap, shameful and salacious.  This initiative is being spearheaded by the entire leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and is being funded and organised by two serving governors and one former governor who controls his state through his hand-picked stooge.
Our response to this initiative is one of utter repugnance.  That the opposition has degenerated to such a point that in response to legitimate questions that were raised about the record in public office of their Presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari and their de facto leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, in two major and widely viewed documentaries, the only recourse they have, rather than answering the questions put in those documentaries, is to try to humiliate, shame and disgrace our presidential candidate by making the most baseless and scandalous accusations about his private life.  The truth is that this shameful course of action will not work and we shall not be distracted. Neither will we lose any sleep over it.
We are, however, by this press conference, sending a clear signal to the three APC leaders that are funding and spearheading this initiative that it will not in any way serve the interest of their party or the interest of their Presidential candidate if they insist on treading that path or toeing that deplorable line.  In the event of them insisting on treading this dangerous and dishonorable course, we reserve the right to respond fully and use all legitimate means to expose the inherent evil that these three individuals habitually and continuously manifest in both their private lives and whilst in public office.
The truth is that they can say what they like about President Goodluck Jonathan, his family members and those close to him but one thing they cannot say is that, unlike one of the three individuals that is behind this disgraceful initiative, President Jonathan does not show an unhealthy interest in the affairs of little boys and he does not indulge in gross and perverse intimate acts with them in his spare time in an obscene, indecent, shameful and completely unacceptable manner.
They can say whatever they like about our candidate but, unlike one of the three individuals that are behind this reprehensible initiative, it is not President Goodluck Jonathan that ended up eloping with and eventually marrying the house girl of his former leader.
They can say whatever they like about President Jonathan but it is not our President who drove his own father into political oblivion, broke the poor man's heart and sent him to an early grave in pain, tears, defeat and shame. Presidential Jonathan did not do any of these things. It is those that have insisted on engaging in this shameful and repugnant initiative that have done these things. They know who they are and, for now, we need not mention their names. At the appropriate time, we shall mention names and expose every aspect of the sordid life styles of these individuals and at that time the Nigerian people will judge for themselves.
The second issue we want to touch on today is the shameful proposition that was made to General Muhammadu Buhari by the representatives of a number of western governments when he was in the United Kingdom for a prolonged stay. He had appealed to them for support and to get their endorsement.  He had talks with the representatives of at least four western countries.  The leaders of those countries made an offer to General Muhammadu Buhari and we are reliably informed that he has put the offer under consideration.
The proposition and offer was that if he was prepared to support legislation in Nigeria to allow same sex marriage and if he was prepared to repeal the anti-gay laws in Nigeria they will, in return, endorse, support and fund him, initially covertly and eventually publicly, at the right time.
Instead of outrightly rejecting these offers and spurning this proposition, to our utter shock and consternation, General Buhari apparently refused to rule it out and has put the matter under consideration. Instead of him to say NO he assured them that he would consider these two things. We believe that this is a matter that ought to be brought to the attention of the Nigerian people as a matter of urgency.  The APC are so desperate to ensuring that General Buhari becomes the President of this country that they are actually prepared to consider the scrapping of all anti-gay or anti-homosexual legislations and at the same time, endorsing and supporting fresh legislation that would allow same sex marriage in our country.  They are considering this despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the Nigerian people find same sex marriage and, indeed, homosexuality repugnant and unacceptable.
We are using this occasion to challenge General Buhari to come clean and to tell the Nigerian people whether this is true and whether, in the unlikely event of his being elected President, he is seriously considering scrapping the anti-homosexual laws in our country and pushing through new legislation which would allow same sex marriage.
The third issue is as follows. We read, with amusement, the threat by the Buhari's Campaign Organisation through their spokesperson, Mr Garba Shehu, that it is their intention to drag the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, before the International Criminal Court of Justice (ICC), for allegedly indulging in what they described as ''hate speech'' at a recent rally in Rivers State.
It is pertinent to note that, first of all, if they were a little better educated and had a better understanding of international law and how the ICC works, they would appreciate the fact that no individual is ever taken to the ICC based on what he or she has said unless and until people act on those words and massacre others.   It is only if that speech is followed by violence and mayhem or if it incites people to commit violence, which results in death, mass murder and crimes against humanity, that the person who indulged in such hate speech becomes an eligible candidate for the ICC. 
Dame Patience Jonathan is a woman of peace. She did not threaten anyone with violence; she did not incite anyone to commit violence or to kill others and her words have not resulted in death, mass murder or any crimes against humanity.  We therefore completely reject the baseless charge and assertion that she has called for the killing or slaughter of anyone at any point in time.
Their threat to take the First Lady to the ICC is not only absurd but it is also nothing but the empty and boastful ranting of a perfidious, desperate, decaying and dying political party and such threat will amount to nothing.  The truth is that if anybody is a candidate for the ICC, it is certainly not Dame Patience Jonathan, but rather General Muhammadu Buhari himself.
We say this because, firstly, he needs to answer questions about his role in the July 29, 1966 coup and the mass murder of about 300 Igbo army officers, including a serving Head of State, that took place that night.  Secondly, there are questions to be answered about his role during the pogrom and massacre in northern Nigeria in 1966 in which no less than 100,000 innocent Igbo civilians, including women and children, were slaughtered in cold blood by mobs that were covertly armed and supported by a small handful of junior army officers. Thirdl,y Buhari's role during the Asaba massacre, in which hundreds of Igbo civilians were murdered for no just cause, still needs to be clarified.  It is left to Buhari to clarify these matters and tell us his role in all these events but if these grave allegations are true, they make him a prime candidate for the ICC.
Another episode in which Buhari has questions to answer is his role in the mass murder of hundreds of people in the northern part of this country, including a number of young youth corpers who were in their prime, by Buhari's supporters in 2011. This happened after he lost the presidential elections and after he encouraged them to go on the streets to commit violence. That deviant behaviour alone makes him a veritable candidate for the ICC.
We are, indeed, grateful that a Dutch law firm has, indeed, filed papers to the ICC asking for General Buhari to be forcefully brought to the court to answer questions about those killings in northern Nigeria by his supporters in 2011.  The court action is appropriate and vital in light of the remarks credited to General Buhari about a year ago in which, inter alia, he said that if he were to lose the 2015 Presidential election, the ''baboon and the dog would both be soaked in blood''.  What this means is that he intends to soak the entire nation in blood in the event that he loses the election on March 28.  He has refused to withdraw that statement and as a precursor to the violence he will again unleash on Nigeria after the Presidential election, his supporters have been stoning the convoy of President Jonathan in some parts of the north each time he goes there to campaign.
It is very clear that General Buhari is a violent man who has the disposition to incite people to commit mass murder and acts of violence.  We wish to take this opportunity to make it abundantly clear that if anybody is killed after the 2015 presidential election after Buhari has been defeated, we will hold him accountable and fully responsible and we will ensure that he faces the full wrath of the law.  Justice will be brought to him swiftly and expeditiously.  We advise General Buhari and his Campaign Organisation to stop threatening the First Lady with the ICC and instead spend their times looking inwards and delivering themselves from their obvious blood-lust and irrational and bestial desire to inflict violence against those who do not agree with them and who they perceive as their enemies.
Pause- We hereby crave your indulgence to play a clip of the brutal and blood chilling remarks made by General Buhari which ultimately triggered the orgies of violence recorded in some northern parts of the country in 2011.
On a final note, we would like to refer you to a set of pictures published on the front page of the Leadership Newspaper edition of last Tuesday.  As you can see, President Jonathan is the lead figure in both pictures, which were mischievously placed  on top of one another.
In the first Picture, President Jonathan is surrounded by some prominent Yoruba traditional rulers led by His Imperial Majesty, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuade Olubuse II.  You can see that the staffs of office of the numerous traditional rulers were pointed towards the President as he sat down and whilst they prayed for him. 
It has been brought to our attention that the spokesperson of the APC actually sponsored that advertorial and the contents of it reflect the sheer depravity of that individual's deep, dark, disrespectful and sinister mind.  Under the picture, they wrote; ''You cannot serve God and mammon''.  Right below the caption is another picture in which President Jonathan was praying both in Israel and at the Redeemed Camp in Nigeria.  The intent and implication of the pictures and the words below each of them are clear.  The motive for displaying the pictures in this manner and those words is to bring not only President Jonathan but also our revered Traditional Rulers in the south west into disrepute and opprobrium.
Indeed, it beats our imagination how anybody in his right senses could equate a legitimate prayer for our President in the court of the Ooni of Ife by a large number of Yoruba traditional rulers, with the worship of mammon!  It is insulting, disrespectful and totally unacceptable.  We seize this opportunity to issue a stern warning to Lai Mohammed and his party to stop insulting the Traditional Rulers of the south-western part of our country.  It was not too long ago that the de facto leader of the APC, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, described the southwest Traditional Rulers in the most uncharitable terms when he said only three of them could be taken seriously.
We completely reject these insults on our Royal Fathers and we hereby call on the APC leaders to bury their heads in shame and apologise to our Traditional Rulers.  We also demand an apology from Lai Muhammed for encouraging the posting of these pictures in this disgraceful manner, organising the whole thing and sponsoring the advert.  If they refuse to apologise or refuse to withdraw the advert, then we take it that the APC as a party has become the enemy of every single Traditional Ruler in Yorubaland and the consequence of that will be far reaching and devastating for the fortunes of their party in the coming elections. 
We thank you for listening.

Interesting! Nigeria and Morrocco spat over royal phone call

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 08:30 AM PDT

Found this report on BBC. Looks like there's a quarrel between Nigeria & Morocco after our foreign ministry claimed Pres. Jonathan spoke at length to Moroccan monarch. Morocco denies this. Read below...
Morocco has recalled its ambassador from Nigeria, accusing the authorities there of using King Mohammed VI in an election campaign.
Its foreign ministry issued a statement, denying the king had spoken by phone to Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan, as had been stated by Nigeria. The North Africa kingdom denounced such "unethical practices", it said.
Nigeria has denied that the king was being used to win over Muslim voters.
Mr Jonathan, a Christian from southern Nigeria, is facing a strong challenge in the 28 March elections from opposition candidate Muhammadu Buhari, who is popular in Nigeria's mainly Muslim north.
The Nigerian ministry of foreign affairs released a statement on Sunday, denying reports that President Jonathan had been snubbed by King Mohammed because he was trying to curry favour with Muslim voters.
"This information is absolutely not correct as the president did in fact speak to the Moroccan monarch... both leaders spoke extensively over the phone on matters of mutual interest and concern," it said.

However, Morocco's foreign ministry responded by saying it wanted to state in the "clearest and strongest terms" that "there has never been a phone conversation" between the two men.

"The king has actually declined the request of the Nigerian government because it is part of the internal electioneering," Morocco's official news agency Map quoted the statement as saying.
"The kingdom of Morocco expresses its astonishment and denunciation to these unethical practices that are contrary to the spirit of responsibility that must prevail in relations between states."
As a consequence Morocco's Abuja ambassador was being recalled immediately for consultations, it said.

Robin Thicke, Pharrell ordered to pay Marvin Gaye's family $7.4m for Blurred Lines

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 08:27 AM PDT

Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke made $16.5million from their 2013 smash hit single, Blurred Lines, but a court has ordered them to give $7.4 million of that money to Marvin Gaye's family

The court determined  yesterday March 10th that the singers copied elements of Marvin Gaye's "Got to Give it Up" for Blurred Lines, which was written and produced by Pharrell. 

The court decided that Gaye's family should receive $4million in damages and $3.4 million in profits from the song, with Thicke forced to pay $1.7million from his own pocket and Pharrell $1.6million. T.I only rapped in the song so he wasn't involved in the lawsuit...

Pharrell and Robin Thicke in court yesterday. The singers attorney said the court's decision in favor of Gaye's family could affect musicians who try to emulate an era or another artist's sound. 

Pharrell and Robin Thicke released a statement saying
"While we respect the judicial process, we are extremely disappointed in the ruling made today, which sets a horrible precedent for music and creativity going forward.
'Blurred Lines' was created from the heart and minds of Pharrell, Robin and T.I. and not taken from anyone or anywhere else. We are reviewing the decision, considering our options and you will hear more from us soon about this matter.'
Pharrell and Thicke had filed a pre-emptive lawsuit against Marvin Gaye's estate back in August 2013 to prevent the estate from suing them for copyright infringement. They lost.

Africa's Young Entrepreneurs release N150m to fund Nigerian Entrepreneurs this year

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 07:54 AM PDT

Are you a young entrepreneur? Do you require smart business skills training? Does your business require funds? Do you lack capital to start your business?

Africa's Young Entrepreneurs is back in Nigeria, bringing you AYEEN 2015, Africa's young entrepreneurs empowerment Nigeria. Last year hundreds of entrepreneurs were funded & empowered
This year do not be left behind. Young Entrepreneurs in need of  smart business skills or capital to start their own business,will be meeting with experts from United states, Canada and South Africa. 
The most innovative and viable business ideas will benefit from direct funding to start up or boost their businesses plus an all expense paid trip for this group of selected entrepreneurs to Ottawa Canada for a 2 week business skills training program.

Below are many other benefits to everyone that attends the program:

-All participants will benefit from an opportunity to be placed on
thier Web Business Campaign (WBC), an online platform to showcase your
business to thousands of investors across the globe.

- All participants will receive a free business skills training and
mentoring by A.Y.E which will include business plan and proposal

 - All participants will get a free webinar session with one of
America's finest social media expert (Mandi Susman).

-A.Y.E will give support to participants requiring international business 
expansion through their respective embassies

-Free Associate membership for all attendees.

-All participant will receive the A.Y.E business recognition certificate 
which will serve as endorsement to enhance and facilitate intra-trade 
amongst other members.

-Free business websites for all participants

-Business make-overs for existing start up businesses

-Selected entrepreneurs will be receive full funding for their business

-Businesses that have shown innovation and profitability will benefit 
from an all-expense paid trip to Ottawa Canada on a two-weeks business 
skills training program.

-Networking opportunity and pictures with the business giants and speakers 
from all over Africa.

Don't miss out on this opportunity click here to register  : www.ayeen2015.org , limited application space available
twitter : AYEorganisation
Facebook : Africa's Young Entrepreneurs 
website: AYEEN | Hom

Suspected Boko Haram member escapes arrest

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 07:42 AM PDT

A suspected Boko Haram member, who feigned madness, narrowly escaped arrest at Buni Yadi town in Gujba Local Government Area of Yobe on Tuesday. The Commander, 27 Task Force Brigade, Damaturu, Colonel Usman Yusuf, gave the order to arrest the supposedly madman when he was sighted in one of the dilapidated buildings in the deserted town.

As troops advanced to carry out the order, the suspect, who wore a white garment with an unkempt hair and chanting some incantations, disappeared.

The incident occurred when the commander led a group of newsmen who were on a guided tour of towns recently liberated from Boko Haram insurgents, visited Buni Yadi to see things for themselves. Yusuf, however, assured that the troops would fish out the suspect soon.

The suspect was believed to be on a surveillance mission for the insurgents but pretended to be insane. According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Gujba and Gulani Local Government areas in Yobe were captured by the insurgents in July 2014 and remained under their control for nine months.

There are 17 local governments in the state. But Gujba, including its headquarters, Buni Yadi, were liberated in the last three weeks, while operation to free Gulani was ongoing, according to Yusuf. He described Buni Yadi town as one of the strongholds of the insurgents in the state.

The terrorists blew up the only bridge linking the local government area with the state capital, Damaturu, and other towns shortly after they occupied the area. Before retreating from Buni Yadi, they also burnt down most of the houses, schools, the Local Government secretariat, motor parks, court, the Emir's palace and market. Apart from troops on guard, the supposedly madman, a dog and a cat were the only living beings sighted in the deserted town.

The commander listed other towns recaptured by troops in the state to include: Fkayel, Gulani, tetteba, Bunsa, Bularafa, Kukuwa Geri and Buni Geri.

For the ladies! Aaron Samuel flexes body on instagram (photos)

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 06:57 AM PDT

Footballer Aaron Samuel shared photos of himself flexing his muscles on his instagram page...

Did ISiS really let a 10yr old boy execute an Israeli soldier? (photos)

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 06:54 AM PDT

Two days ago, Islamic State militants ISIS released a video purportedly showing this little boy executing a captured Israeli-Arab soldier, 19 year old Muhammad Said Ismail Musallam. But now, after reviewing the footage, some security experts believe the boy was only used for propaganda and wasn't the one who pulled the trigger

The experts said heavy editing used to produce the film means it is likely he never pulled the trigger himself and was instead filmed only for scenes to be edited in and around Mr Musallam's death.
 From UK Daily Mail...

 The film shows Mr Musallam describing how he was sent by Israeli intelligence to infiltrate ISIS in Syria, where the group claim he was captured last year.

Wearing an orange jumpsuit, the hostage is later seen kneeling at the feet of two uniformed militants..

The film, like many ISIS execution videos, cuts away without actually showing his killing, and the scene purporting to show the moment of execution is filmed from behind the shooter to avoid identifying him.

During this scene, the shooter's hand is visible and it clearly appears to be one which belongs to an adult, not a 10-year-old boy.
It also replicates the editing techniques seen in a video released last month in which the extremists claimed a boy had killed two Russian spies.

The authenticity of this can also be seriously questioned given a complete lack of evidence implicating the child.

Instead of a shocking child-murder, all signs point to the video being a product of the ISIS propaganda machine aimed at luring disillusioned westerners to join their ranks. 

Earlier yesterday Twitter accounts linked to the terror group shared preview clips of the video, which have not been independently verified.

Islamic State claimed Mr Musallam had posed as a foreign fighter when he joined their ranks last year but later confessed to being an agent for Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency. 

Sickening: Mr Musallam appears to be shot three more times as he lies dying on the ground
Slick: In the first part of the video, Mr Musallam is seen describing how he was recruited by Israeli intelligence

It starts with an animated 'fact file' of Mr Musallam - complete with what appears to be a picture of the inside of his passport - that claims to show his home address and profession.
The video, apparently filmed on a number of cameras, shows Mr Musallam wearing an orange jumpsuit similar to those worn by hostages featured in previous ISIS videos. 

Speaking in Arabic, the young man remains calm and controlled as he tells of how he was recruited by a neighbour who worked for the Israeli police. The entire video is subtitled in English. 

He says that his father and brother both encouraged him to take up the position, pointing out there would be opportunity to progress in the organisation. 

 The parents of Israeli-Arab Muhammad Musallam sit next to a framed portrait of their son, who was captured by ISIS for allegedly spying for Mossad. They claimed he fled to Syria to join Islamic State militants
This image was purportedly taken of Muhammad Musallam on the Syrian-Turkish border several weeks after he left to join jihadists

Photos: EFCC to arraign Bukola Saraki’s aide, cousin for N371m contract scam

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 06:19 AM PDT

Find the EFC Press statement below...
A former Senior Special Adviser on Millennium Development Goals to Bukola Saraki, ex-governor of Kwara State, and incumbent Commissioner for Information in the Abdulfathah Ahmed administration, Prince Olatunji Oyeyemi Moronfoye, will on March 19, 2015 be arraigned by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC before a Federal High Court, Ilorin Kwara State, for offences bordering on abuse of office, awarding contracts to his cronies, embezzlement, diversion of public funds, and money laundering. Also to be docked by the anti-graft agency is Ope Saraki, cousin and Senior Special Adviser on Millennium Development Goals to Governor Ahmed.
Moronfoye is alleged to have used his position as the Senior Special Adviser to the former governor to enrich himself. Specifically, he allegedly awarded contracts to the tune of over N200million for the renovation of Ijagbo Primary Health Centre and the supply of medical equipments to Health Centres and Specialist Hospitals within the state, to a company in which he has interest. and was sole signatory to the account. Saraki is also alleged to have abused his office and laundered state funds for his personal benefit by awarding inflated contracts to companies owned by his cronies. In one of the transactions involving the purchase of Ambulance buses for hospitals in the state, Saraki duped the people of Kwara State by procuring thirteen Hiace buses from a local car dealer and converting them to ambulance in place of factory built ambulance for which a contract of N171, 990,000.00 was awarded to Chemiroy Nigeria Limited.

Ellington Electric Launches on Nkataa.com

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 06:02 AM PDT

If you have lived in Nigeria long enough, you certainly would know that the use of quality electrical appliances is prerequisite for you and your family's safety in the presence of perpetual surge currents and epileptic power supply. Ellignton Electric, a brand known for its quality and long lasting electrical products has recently launched on Abuja's largest online grocery store, Nkataa.com.

Now you can get genuine electrical energy-saving and eco-friendly bulbs, Rechargeable fans, Plug adaptors, Surge protectors and many more for as low as N 100 with all LED bulbs and spot lights coming with a 3-year Warranty, Rechargeable fans coming with 1-year warranty and other Ellington Electric products. Here is the more interesting part; you get these items delivered to your doorstep anywhere in Abuja for only N 100! "At Ellington Electric, we are passionate about quality and excellence and as such we give the best to our customers at little or no cost and Nkataa.com is a great platform for us to reach a wider range of customers with doorstep delivery at affordable prices" CEO Ellington Electric, Mr Charles Obiukwu firmly stated.

The manufacturers have also spiced things up for all readers by giving you the chance to win one of Ellington's 16" Rechargeable fans delivered to your doorstep by simply clicking here to enter your details. Also follow the Nkataa.com twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts for Deals of the Day, competitions and updates.

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Nigerian man sentenced to 6 years in UK prison for sexual attack

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 05:59 AM PDT

35 year old Nigerian man, Emmanuel Ndegwe, (pictured above) has been sentenced to 6 years in jail for breaking into the homes of some women with the intent of sexually attacking them.

At a court proceedings which took place at the Inner London Crown Court yesterday March 10th, Detective Inspector Tracey Miller, of Lambeth borough, told the court that Emmanuel attacked the women in their homes in 2013 and 2014

"Ndegwe attacked these women in what should have been the safety of their own homes. I would like to praise them for the bravery they have shown throughout the course of this investigation. There is the possibility that Ndegwe may have attacked other women, so I would urge anyone who suffered at his hands to contact officers."he said
Emmanuel was arrested in 2014 and was sentenced by a UK Jury yesterday March 10th.
He was sentenced as follows:
– Count One: trespass with intent to commit a sexual act – sentenced to four years;
– Count Two: trespass with intent to commit a sexual act – sentenced to two years, to run consecutively;
– Count Three: stalking, causing fear of violence – sentenced to one year, to run concurrently.

Finally! Former Minister Musiliu Obanikoro confirmed by the Senate

Posted: 11 Mar 2015 05:49 AM PDT

Former Minister of Defence, Musiliu Obanikoro has been confirmed as a minister by the Senate. At its plenary sitting today, members of the senate asked him to take a bow and go since he was a former senator, an action that infuriated APC Senators who then staged a walkout in protest.

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