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Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog

Praise da Lord! New York City goes 12 days without a murder

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 01:22 PM PST

So for 12 days no one was killed in New York City and New Yorkers are happy about it and reporting it. It's a modern day record. Read the report from CNN below..
New York City's longest recorded homicide-free streak ended late Friday night, when a 28-year-old man was shot multiple times just before midnight.
Eric Roman was transported to a nearby hospital in critical condition with gunshot wounds to his head, hand and leg and died Saturday, according to the NYPD.
New York City had gone 12 days without a homicide, its longest stretch on modern record, police said yesterday Monday.
The last reported homicide was February 1, Super Bowl Sunday, in Upper Manhattan, police said.
That day, police responded to a 911 call about multiple shots being fired and found five individuals with gunshot wounds, the NYPD said. One of those five, Graham Shadale, 28, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police have not yet made arrests in either case and both investigations are ongoing, officials said.
The streak has been the longest since the New York Police Department began recording statistics with a computerized program called Compstat in 1994, a police representative said.

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton hushed talk of the streak Friday on "CBS This Morning."
"Shh ... we don't want to jinx it," Bratton told host Charlie Rose. "We're into our 12th day now, Charlie. Eleven is a record and let's keep it going."
Despite the record-breaking streak, there has been an uptick in shooting incidents compared with the same time period last year.

The week between February 1 and February 8 experienced 110 shooting incidents in 2015 versus 91 in 2014, according to Detective Cheryl Crispin of the NYPD public information office.

New York City's last record for a streak of days without a homicide was 10 days. In 2014, there were no recorded homicides between February 13 and February 22.

Check out this throwback pic of Kunle Afolayan with his mum

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 01:15 PM PST

This is the actor with his mum at their Ebutte Metta Yaba residence many many years ago.

Stay the course: Text of the address by Buhari to leaders & elders of APC

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 12:41 PM PST

APC presidential candidate Gen. Buhari addressed leaders and elders of the APC today Feb. 17th at the Shehu Musa Yar'Adua centre in Abuja. Below is the text of his address...
The National Chairman Chief John Oyegun, thank you very much for your speech. Leaders and elders of our party, I want to join the Chairman in welcoming you all to this meeting. In the last two months, we have travelled the length and breadth of this country, we have heard the cry of our people and we have told them that we hear their cry – the cry for change.
As you are all aware, our country is passing through trying times imposed on us by the bad PDP administration. The imminent change in answer to the yearnings of our people has been delayed by the postponement of the February 14th, 2015 elections. Our patience and resilience will be tested in the days ahead. We must pass this test. In a time like this, which in football analogy can be referred to as extra time, we must avoid making costly mistakes. In the weeks ahead, I would like to implore you to remain true to the vision – to build a country that works for all of us and not just for the few. To rescue and stabilise our nation from the hands of plunderers. On this, I believe we are all agreed.

The important issue today is that we must use the next six weeks that have been imposed on us, to re-charge and re-focus on our goal. The goal is to win the elections now slated for March 28th and April 11th with a convincing majority. We should aim to achieve a victory that will be beyond dispute and proceed to form the next government and start work on the task of rebuilding our beloved country.

Our eyes must be on the objective to build a great society that works for all of us. A country where every child has an equal opportunity to get an education, where every young Nigerian who needs a job can find one. Where the sick are looked after and senior citizens are provided for. A country which gives value to human life, where the welfare and security of all is a national priority and corruption is defeated.

However, I must not fail to mention at this point, one issue which has become topical in the last few days and that is the worrisome revelations by Capt. Sagir Koli about how he, a serving officer at that time, was deployed, with other serving officers, some more senior in rank to work with key politicians of the PDP to rig the Ekiti elections. Up till now, there has been no official denial of this most unfortunate event. It makes me wonder, in the circumstances that led to shifting of the date of the Federal Elections, whether the security services are even now being prepared to play similar roles in the March 28th and April 11th elections. Let me reiterate once more that our security services have serious constitutional responsibilities to the people of the nation and so their importance to the health of the country cannot be under estimated. It is therefore imperative that their leaders must not drag these invaluable institutions into the realm of partisan politics.

I personally and, am sure, all Nigerians, have tremendous respect for our security services. I therefore urge strongly that they stick to, and concentrate on, their constitutional duties, otherwise they stand the risk of becoming part of our already complicated national situation.

I am deeply encouraged by the very high degree of cooperation and commitment to our common purpose of changing Nigeria for good that you all have exhibited in our campaign. I have noticed many of us embarked on our campaign trips without carrying a change of clothing hoping to return home the same day only to spend the night on strange beds because the dynamics of the campaign required that they spend the night away from home. You have ignored in some cases personal health challenges and given yourself to the campaign effort just to be part of the movement for change.

There are some of you who lost in the various primaries to choose candidates for our party during these elections and rather than being disappointed you have thrown your energies and resources to the campaign not minding your personal losses. And there are others who have been made mind boggling offers by our opponents in a bid to break our ranks and curtail our momentum in the march to change Nigeria for good, yet you have chosen to be on the side of a cause that is just.

I therefore appeal to you all party leaders and faithful not to rest thinking that all is won. Six weeks is a long time and we do not know the plans of the other side but with our strong resolve we will prevail.

Therefore let us keep our eyes on the ball. Let us work as we have never done before, and let us watch and help each other. The days and weeks ahead will be tough. Our resolve will be tested and all kinds of evil tricks will be on display. But do not despair. The goal is in sight. Change is coming. The people of Nigeria will prevail. God has destined Nigeria to be a great country. We shall overcome and Change shall be achieved.

God bless you all, God bless the APC and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Thank you.

General Muhammadu Buhari GCFR

(Presidential Flag Bearer of the APC, 2015)

Photos: Stephanie Linus sexy in new pics

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 12:30 PM PST

Lovely outfit. Nice legs...

The fashion cookout. Número 3.book your stall now. 1st march 2015

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 12:23 PM PST

The Fashion CookOut is here again for 1st of march 2015 with exclusive Fashion Items at discounted prices, Plenty Food, good music, karaoke, amazing Shisha, fashion showcase of indigenous designers, live streaming of footie match + the new amazing outdoor bar and Lots of Fun Activities holding at N-tyce lounge 1310, KarimuIkotun, Victoria Island Lagos.

The event is organized to bring together a crowd that consist of retailing fashion brands and food vendors with a large crowd of buyers. The fashion cookout team has consequently organized successful cookout events.
FOR STALL BOOKINGS AND INQUIRIES CONTACT 08064662120,  08090600253,  08174701585.
BBM 7c0400cc 
Instagram :  @fashioncookout @miz_dozienma92 @seun.k @tobs_ogundipe @ntycelagos
2pm prompt. To fill the fashion cookout booking form, click on link below  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-5qxy_PsIrjpRL0jjzbccXN_VQysZw_6wBjjekbfH14/viewform?c=0&w=1
P.s: admission to the venue is free.
Below are pictures from last fashion cookout

IK Osakioduwa's #TrueTalkTuesday. Guys, do you agree?

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 12:10 PM PST

You men cannot be cured of checking out other chics? Hmmm...

Tyga denies dating Kylie Jenner in new interview

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 12:59 PM PST

Tyga has denied dating 17 year old Kylie Jenner, claiming they are only friends. He was on The Breakfast Club this morning to clear the air following Amber and Khloe's fight on twitter last night
On "dating" 17-year-old Kylie Jenner:
"Nah, I'm not dating Kylie. I want to be clear to everybody that I did not leave my family to be with Kylie. That's ridiculous. Me and Chyna broke up almost close to a year now. And because of decisions we made, things in our relationship weren't going right. I didn't leave nobody to be with anybody."
On spending so much time with Kylie:
"I've been knowing her and her family for a long time. In black culture, it's different. If you hang around somebody, you smashing them. But white culture is different. They're really friends, it's genuine, it's different. We're really friends."

On Kylie as a person:
"She's just a good person. You ever meet somebody and their energy is just good? It's not negative. She just comes from a good upbringing and I never met somebody like that."
On not getting paid by YMCMB:
"When I was saying it, I was looking bitter. I was broke when I was saying it. I was just keeping it real. I have a kid now, I can't be sitting here waiting on the next man. Wayne gave me that opportunity. I would never say anything bad about Wayne. It wasn't Wayne's fault cause you see the situation that's going on now. I don't really know who to point the finger at."
On if he has spoken to Birdman or Slim:
"I talked to Baby [Birdman]. I was suppose to be out my deal like last month that's why I was suppose to drop my album in January."
On Drake taking shots at him on his new mixtape:
"He knows exactly where my house is, I know exactly where his house is [in Calabasas]. We live next to each other, so my thing is like, if it's real it's real, if it's not, it's not. I just don't f*ck with him as a person because of the experiences I had with him personally. It's not just a beef, just personal experiences I've had with him. I feel like he's a nice guy on the outside, but he's not genuine. He plays people left and right. That's just my opinion. And when I did that interview [with VIBE] that's just how I felt at the time."
On Nicki Minaj:
"When I did that interview, people was saying I was calling Nicki fake.  That wasn't the case. I just said me and her didn't get along at that exact moment. Me and Nicki got into it over a song, but that's what brothers and sisters do, they fight. I don't have anything against Nicki. It was a song that Drake was on, it was actually "Truffle Butter". I was on the record, then it just got weird."
Culled from YBF

Actor Femi Branch releases new photos

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:51 AM PST

New photos of actor Femi Branch. Continue to see more...

Former Ekiti first lady denies donating drugs to Buhari’s campaign

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:40 AM PST

Yesterday, the Ekiti Justice Group (EJG), alleged that former Ekiti First Lady, Mrs Bisi Fayemi, diverted N57m drugs meant for the State to the campaign of Gen Buhari. (Read here). Mrs Fayemi has released a statement denying it, saying Fayose's aides are behind EJG allegations. Read below..

The attention of the Wife of the immediate past governor of Ekiti State, Erelu Bisi Fayemi has been drawn to an allegation by a faceless group, operating under the unregistered name : Ekiti Justice Group (EJG) -  that she donated drugs  worth N57.34m to the campaign of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari.

Theso-called EJG claimed among other things that the purported drugs was sourced from a European Donor Agency last year August for Ekiti Free Health Mission, but was diverted for the APC campaign in January, 2015.

Ordinarily, it wouldn't have been necessary to dignify the spurious allegations of the group with a response coming on the heels of an earlier false claim about the Governor's so-called donation to the Buhari campaign. However, for the sake of the general public and gullible readers who might have been deceived into believing the malicious publication, it is important to state as follows:
That the allegations are baseless and shamelessly concocted by the propaganda arm of the PDP- led government in the state to tarnish the good image of the former administration in the state.
That on no occasion did any European Donor Agency supply any drugs to the Ekiti Free Health Mission. Neither did any agency donate any drugs to Ekiti Health Mission throughout Dr Fayemi's tenure in office;
That on no occasion did Mrs Fayemi donate drugs to the APC Campaign. Even while her husband served as the Chief Executive of the state, Mrs Fayemi was not directly involved in the Free Health Mission programme.

That Mrs Fayemi has over the past three decades been involved in gender and youth development programmes locally and globally, and has continued to identify publicly with any positive actions towards this. Hence she has no reason to deny  her contributions to a good cause such as donation of drugs to the needy in the society if she actually did.
Members of the society are therefore enjoined to disregard the allegations, which are blatant lies issued on a daily basis by the government of Mr Ayodele Fayose, through the office of his Special Assistant on (mis)Information with the intent to divert attention from the government's ineptitude, corruption and directionlessness.

Investigations have shown that the EJG exists only at the Information Unit of the Governor's Office and that the aides of the Governor are the officials of the faceless group using different pseudonyms.
These aides of the Governor are the same people that came up with the lies that former Governor Fayemi made a donation of N1.5b to the APC Presidential campaign. They also went ahead to circulate leaflets containing that malicious allegations to civil servants during a meeting called by Governor Fayose with the workers in Ado-Ekiti, last week. They are also the same people behind the scurrilous Al-Hikmah advert campaigns in the newspapers.
Those who unwittingly or deliberately help Mr Fayose spread this falsehood should know that appropriate legal steps are being taken against such libelous publications. Dr Fayemi is always ready to clarify any issue in relation to his time in office should such clarification be necessary.
Only a discredited government like we currently have in Ekiti State would elevate falsehood to a state policy, all in the bid to mislead the people and cover up the misdeeds of the administration.  

Olayinka Oyebode
Chief Press Secretary to Dr Kayode Fayemi

Acquiring a home

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:32 AM PST

Shelter is very important to the overall wellbeing of all, hence many people desire to own their own homes. But times are tougher these days and we are all watching our money. Banks are not as quick to lend money as they were a few years ago. However, there are many homes for sale that are being offered at very competitive prices

Many factors come into play and should be considered in purchasing a new home. Research is important and plays a major role into the purchase of a new home. Once the research has been done, speak with a lawyer or estate agent.

Know where you want to be. This is talking about location. Think about your lifestyle – how it is now and how it might be in 5 – 10 years. 

After considering the location, next is what do you want the house to have? Do you want a newer home with all the amenities or a functional home. Do you want a large yard for children that would require maintenance or would you prefer something requiring less maintenance. Make a list of all your Must Haves. 

Visit the location of the house you wish to buy. Once you've searched and found some houses that meet your criteria, you need to see them in person as photos can often be deceiving. The only way to know if a house is right for you is to go out and see it for yourself.

It is also important to get a second opinion about the property with your partner, a friend or a professional. Keep an open mind to the defects they may point out. 

Most importantly cut your coat according to your size. Take on something you can afford and is comfortable for you. Don't look at a house because it is expensive, you may get stuck paying for it especially if you have taken a mortgage.

This has been courtesy Rand Merchant Bank as part of The Bankers Committee Financial Literacy Public Enlightenment Programme brought to you by The Bankers Committee, comprising all the commercial Banks in Nigeria and the Central Bank of Nigeria.

What do you think about post on acquiring a home? Tell us here: https://redmedia.typeform.com/to/xjAjiB

Dabota Lawson shares pic with her new billionaire husband...

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:27 AM PST

The newly married couple take a ride together...

Male suicide bomber kills 3 at restaurant in Potiskum, Yobe

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:25 AM PST

At least 3 people have been confirmed dead after a male suicide bomber blew himself up at Alamin Restaurant along Damaturu road in Potiskum, Yobe state this afternoon killing himself and two others. 21 people were severely injured. According to the state Police Public Relations officer ASP Toyin Gbadegesin, the suicide bomber attacked the restaurant at about 2pm today. Bodies of the dead have been taken to the morgue at the Potiskum General Hospital while the injured ones are receiving treatment.

Photos: Man strips naked at airport as staff look on in disbelief

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:04 AM PST

A frustrated male traveler shocked airport staff at Russia's Pulkovo Airport in St Petersburg, by stripping completely naked after he was sent back to remove his belt and shoes, while passing through metal detector. And the whole thing was caught on camera.

The frustrated man first removed his trousers, shirt and before anyone knew what was going on, he removed his undergarment, exposing himself to other travelers. Then while naked, he removed his watch. The bewildered security guards, who didn't seem to know how to react, didn't do anything to stop the man. Then the man goes through the scanner, turns to the security men and asked them if they wanted to search his butt...lol. Then he nonchalantly grabs his clothes and walks off leaving airport staff wondering what they'd just witnessed. See the dramatic photos after the cut...

Photo: Police officer killed, ChannelsTV reporter stabbed, police van torched at Rivers rally

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 10:40 AM PST

A police officer was shot dead and a staff of Channels TV stabbed during the fracas that broke out at the APC Governorship rally in Rivers state earlier today. In a chat with newsmen, the state APC Governorship candidate, Dakuku Peterside said five policemen were shot at the rally
"Five police officers were shot. One of them is dead and four are lying in critical condition at this hospital." he said
Channels TV staff who was stabbed is currently receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital. A Police van was also set ablaze. Above is an exclusive pic I got from the scene...

New music from Es Plus - Banabana and Ise Nla

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:16 AM PST

Bmm Entertainment has finally released the much anticipated singles from the dynamic duo Es Plus...the artists make a come back in 2015 with these two new impressive singles to back up their former song Yekelemo, and they call this one Banabana and Isenla..Listen below and after the cut..

Listen to Banabana below...

Rihanna pays homage to Alexander McQueen in fierce, hot photos

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 11:07 AM PST

Rihanna looked hot and fierce in a photoshoot for AnOther magazine which celebrates the life of late designer Alexander McQueen, shot by Inez & Vinoodh. See more photos after the cut...

Spot the difference featuring 2face and Annie Idibia

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 08:48 AM PST

Hint: There are four differences...

Senate summons Prof Jega to explain election postponement

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 08:40 AM PST

The Senate has summoned INEC chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega to appear before it tomorrow, Feb. 18th, to explain the reasons for the postponement of the general elections. They also want him to bring card readers to demonstrate how they would use them during the forthcoming elections.

INEC had on Feb 7th announced the postponement of the general elections citing security challenges.

Teacher at Kylie Jenner's school reports her affair with Tyga to child services?

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 08:09 AM PST

This is a MediaTakeOut exclusive and they swear it's fact and not rumour. Read their report below..
MediaTakeout.com just confirmed that last night, one of teachers affiliated with Kylie Jenner's school has just called Los Angeles child protective services on Kris Jenner and Kylie Jenner. The call, we're told took place last night - after Khloe Kardashian and Amber went at it on social media. We were told by a family member of the teacher. We were asked to keep their identity anonymous. Kylie is currently "home schooled" - but takes classes with a number of teachers that are affiliated with an official school program
Amber may have just F*CKED up the whole Kylie and Khloe mess . . . BIG TIME. It's not clear if, or whether, child services plans on doing anything - but we're told that their is an ACTIVE INVESTIGATION.
Here's what we know. Under CALIFORNIA LAW, any teacher that suspects that an underage minor is having sexual contact with a man OVER THE AGE ON 21 is required under the law to report. If the teacher does NOT call it in, they can be FIRED . . . or worse - PUT IN JAIL.
The snitch told MediaTakeOut.com, "A lot of people suspected Kylie was dating that rapper [Tyga], but we thought it was rumors. But last night it was everywhere, on the internet, the tv news, the radio . . . [the teacher] decided to make the call [to child services] because she's a mandated reporter."
It's not clear what, if any, action CHILD SERVICES will take. Depending on what they find - they can take NO ACTION, or they can go so far as to PUT KYLIE IN FOSTER CARE . . . and press criminal charges on TYGA.
Amber just started up a SH*T STORM for the Kardashians . . .

LG 6-motion front-loading washing machine achieving a colossal leap in laundry care

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 08:06 AM PST

People irrespective of their social standings are always seeking to look their best. For many professional who feel the need to look good as well focus on the things that matters most, owning a washing machine is essential. The washing machine, perhaps more than any other appliance, freed many working women from the drudgery of housework, and is conceivably the single most important invention of the 20th century.

However most conventional washing machines have been found to be ineffective and unreliable as they are only able to carry-out just one wash motion which is what informed the introduction of LG 6-Motion Washing Machine, a home appliance that is able to replicate 6 different wash motions for every fabric type by LG Electronics, a global leader in Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances. LG 6Motion Washing Machines are equipped with the high-efficiency Direct Drive motor that cut energy costs and water consumption, compared to conventional washing machines. LG's Direct Drive system increases the motor's efficiency; this not only cuts back on energy use and makes it less susceptible to breakdown, but also helps reduce noise levels.

Speaking on the product, General Manager, Home Appliances Division, LG Electronics West Africa operations, Mr. Hyunwoo Jung, said: "With an LG 6 Motion washing machine, users are bound to enjoy amazing performance and unmatched results every time. It comes with a Get ready to with a programme for every fabric type - resulting in one amazing wash. "6 Motion is made possible thanks to LG's Inverter Direct Drive motor which enables better control of the drum – from both a speed and rotation point of view, thus enabling different wash motions.

The different wash motions are specific to how the drum moves and its effect on the clothes and although different motions may be more suited to different fabrics, LG's engineers have found the optimum combination of wash motions to deliver the best performance and care for your laundry based upon the programme selected." Direct Drive technology is a patent of LG Electronics and has won many international awards for its performance and consistency with international best practice in quality assurance.

LG's proprietary 6 Motion Direct Drive technology is the magic behind our success and it's the type of innovation that will continue to drive us toward our goal to create value-added solutions which bring greater convenience and efficiency to our consumers' everyday life." Contemporary washing machine offerings by LG Electronics are equipped with the innovative Inverter Direct Drive motor, which delivers cleaner and greener washing, and makes the washing machines more energy-efficient, durable, and quieter with less vibration. Recently, LG Electronics' DD (Direct Drive) motor was certified by Verband Deutsher Rlektrotechniker (VDE) - German Association of Electrical Engineering as a product with a life span of 20 years, the longest yet to be certified by VDE.

This technological innovation which is a first in the world has been in existence since the late 1980's. Because the LG Direct Drive Motor operates more efficiently, LG confidently backs the motor with a 10-year warranty to ensure a worry-free clean. However, based on the testing of 4.2 wash cycles a week and 220 cycles a year, VDE determined that LG's Direct Drive motor would last for at least 20 years and approximately 4,400 cycles. This certification adds to the credibility of LG 10 years DD motor warranty as it even extends the expected working longevity of the DD motor from 10 to 20 years.

The 6-Motion Direct Drive washing machines allows the drum to tailor each load from a combination of 6 unique motions: rolling, stepping, swinging, scrubbing, filtration and tumbling unlike the one motion--- tumbling, available in most front-load washers. The LG direct drive technology has over time raised the bar for washing machines. With six ways to wash, the LG 6 Motion washing machine's Direct Drive enable users choose the one that is right for them. Beside the established Tumble which is the standard turn washing machine motion in most washing machines, LG 6 Motion comes with five additional motions for specialized laundry care. So it's more effective, yet kinder, too.

There is the Scrub- Intensive – as water is supplied to the LG 6 Motion washer, the combination of scrub motion and the waved lifters create a figure – 8 shape and a 'trough' of water helping to dissolve powder detergent better and faster. Rolling: Silent Wash – this wash ensures laundry is rolled below the water level, creating more friction with the inner drum and is less damaging to clothes. Swing: Delicates – the soft swing of the LG 6 Motion washing machine has a heart shaped motion that washes laundry below the water line. For Filtration: Perfect Spray –a combination of spinning and spray from the water shower forms the filtration movement; it soaks the laundry faster and more evenly. Stepping: Wrinkle Care – designed to rotate the drum, stopping clothes from getting stuck to the inner drum after spinning, which is common in conventional washing machines which only moves in one direction and won't allow clothes to drop easily.

The action of rotating and stopping repeatedly in the LG Six Motion washing machine prevents wrinkles.

Nigerians come for PDP chairman Adama Muazu on twitter...

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 07:53 AM PST

PDP Chairman, Adamu Muazu this afternoon posted this munched BBC tweet about Niger republic citizens marching in solidarity with their military and said that was what patriotism was about and not Nigerians who constantly insult security agencies and government. You know how our people are... they came for him. See the tweets after the cut...

Annie Idibia shares beautiful photo with her daughters

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 07:33 AM PST

She shared the pic on instagram and below it she wrote "Sometimes we often wonder why some doors aren't open for us,while others with equal or less ability have seemingly unlimited opportunities and success in every area of their lives.. This doesn't seem fair at all...I know this.. I have Felt it too.. TIMING!! Has everything to do with it! GOD has a time 4 evrythn n he works in us wat needs 2 b done 2 prepare us 4 wat is ahead.. Having a sense of God's timing brings d peace 2 wait on d lord for it... But Still... Drown out d voice of uncertainty with d sound of ur own heartbeat, burn away ur self - doubt with the fire that's beneath u. "I CAN DO IT"! Remember what u r fighting for.. Remember whose child your are ... You are the child of the almighty GOD! Tots Of Annie "

Telemundo/Second Chance star Lorena Rojas dies of cancer at 44

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 07:27 AM PST

If you're a telenovela fan and watched Second Chance, then you should know Lorena Rojas. The Mexican actress and singer played the lead role in the popular 2005 telemundo series, "El Cuerpo del Deseo." - aka 'Second Chance'.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 but recovered only for it to come back in 2012. This time in her bones. She dealt with the cancer the best way she could until in November 2014 when she was diagnosed yet again. This time the disease had gone to her liver.

She died yesterday February 16th at her home in Miami surrounded by her family, daughter, and her boyfriend. She was just 44 years old. May her soul rest in peace, amen.

Buhari and GEJ in a dance battle (Funny video)

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 06:49 AM PST

Sponsored post. Humour that comes with Nigerian election...

For more videos and Naija content, join the conversation on:
Twitter  @awanaija
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GEJ Campaign page: www.awanaija.com/vote/gej

Photo: Channels TV reporter reports live from scene of explosion

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 07:13 AM PST

The Channels TV reporter was reporting from the Rivers state APC campaign rally this afternoon when explosions went off and the guy quickly docked but continued reporting. Very brave of him..but trust Nigerians to have something to say about it...lol. (watch the reporter in action after the cut)

Meanwhile, it's been confirmed that it wasn't an explosion, just fireworks from mischief makers.

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