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Comedian Wale and his 'Gate' take a selfie...:-)

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 12:37 PM PST

Hmmm, won't say much because he's someone's husband...:-). That's comedian Wale Gates.

Photo: Aminu Tambuwal picks gubernatorial form for Sokoto state

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 12:35 PM PST

It's official!

New video: DJ caise - BuckleUpVideo ft EmmyAce

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 12:41 PM PST

Chocolate City's superstar Deejay DJ Caise releases visuals to this hit single which features Emmy Ace. Buckle Up is a high tempo dance hall track, which follows up on DJ Caise's two previous successful singles Number One featuring Waje and Crush featuring label mate Ice Prince. Enjoy..

President Obama to grant legal status to 4.5m illegal US immigrants

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 12:22 PM PST

Yesterday, President Obama made a blockbuster announcement on immigration that got a lot of Americans divided. In his new plan, about 4.5 illegal immigrants in the US will now be able to get legal status and allowed to apply for work permits. This applies to only those who have no criminal records, have been in the US illegally for at least 5 years and are willing to pay their outstanding tax. The Republicans are angry though and call it "lawless amnesty". They believe it will encourage more people to arrive the US unlawfully.
"The action by the president yesterday will only encourage more people to come here illegally. It also punishes those who have obeyed the law and waited their turn." Republican Speaker of the House said today
But fortunately for Obama, he doesn't need the permission of congress to do this. It's called executive action - where a president can bypass the legislature, which he has done. Continue...

There are about 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US now and President Obama believes that a mass deportation of these people "would be both impossible and contrary to our character."

He made the controversial announcement in an address from the White House yesterday Nov 20th You can read his full speech (It's quite a long one) culled from CNN, after the cut...

My fellow Americans, tonight, I'd like to talk with you about immigration.

For more than 200 years, our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations. It's kept us youthful, dynamic, and entrepreneurial. It has shaped our character as a people with limitless possibilities -- people not trapped by our past, but able to remake ourselves as we choose.

But today, our immigration system is broken, and everybody knows it.

Families who enter our country the right way and play by the rules watch others flout the rules. Business owners who offer their workers good wages and benefits see the competition exploit undocumented immigrants by paying them far less. All of us take offense to anyone who reaps the rewards of living in America without taking on the responsibilities of living in America. And undocumented immigrants who desperately want to embrace those responsibilities see little option but to remain in the shadows, or risk their families being torn apart.

It's been this way for decades. And for decades, we haven't done much about it.

When I took office, I committed to fixing this broken immigration system. And I began by doing what I could to secure our borders. Today, we have more agents and technology deployed to secure our southern border than at any time in our history. And over the past six years, illegal border crossings have been cut by more than half. Although this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it's been in nearly two years. Overall, the number of people trying to cross our border illegally is at its lowest level since the 1970s. Those are the facts.

Meanwhile, I worked with Congress on a comprehensive fix, and last year, 68 Democrats, Republicans, and Independents came together to pass a bipartisan bill in the Senate. It wasn't perfect. It was a compromise, but it reflected common sense. It would have doubled the number of border patrol agents, while giving undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship if they paid a fine, started paying their taxes, and went to the back of the line. And independent experts said that it would help grow our economy and shrink our deficits.

Had the House of Representatives allowed that kind of a bill a simple yes-or-no vote, it would have passed with support from both parties, and today it would be the law. But for a year and a half now, Republican leaders in the House have refused to allow that simple vote.

Now, I continue to believe that the best way to solve this problem is by working together to pass that kind of common sense law. But until that happens, there are actions I have the legal authority to take as President -- the same kinds of actions taken by Democratic and Republican Presidents before me -- that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.

Tonight, I am announcing those actions.
First, we'll build on our progress at the border with additional resources for our law enforcement personnel so that they can stem the flow of illegal crossings, and speed the return of those who do cross over.

Second, I will make it easier and faster for high-skilled immigrants, graduates, and entrepreneurs to stay and contribute to our economy, as so many business leaders have proposed.

Third, we'll take steps to deal responsibly with the millions of undocumented immigrants who already live in our country.

I want to say more about this third issue, because it generates the most passion and controversy. Even as we are a nation of immigrants, we are also a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable -- especially those who may be dangerous. That's why, over the past six years, deportations of criminals are up 80 percent. And that's why we're going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. Felons, not families. Criminals, not children. Gang members, not a mother who's working hard to provide for her kids. We'll prioritize, just like law enforcement does every day.

But even as we focus on deporting criminals, the fact is, millions of immigrants -- in every state, of every race and nationality -- will still live here illegally. And let's be honest -- tracking down, rounding up, and deporting millions of people isn't realistic. Anyone who suggests otherwise isn't being straight with you. It's also not who we are as Americans. After all, most of these immigrants have been here a long time. They work hard, often in tough, low-paying jobs. They support their families. They worship at our churches. Many of their kids are American-born or spent most of their lives here, and their hopes, dreams, and patriotism are just like ours.

As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: "They are a part of American life."

Now here's the thing: we expect people who live in this country to play by the rules. We expect that those who cut the line will not be unfairly rewarded. So we're going to offer the following deal: If you've been in America for more than five years; if you have children who are American citizens or legal residents; if you register, pass a criminal background check, and you're willing to pay your fair share of taxes -- you'll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily, without fear of deportation. You can come out of the shadows and get right with the law.

That's what this deal is. Now let's be clear about what it isn't. This deal does not apply to anyone who has come to this country recently. It does not apply to anyone who might come to America illegally in the future. It does not grant citizenship, or the right to stay here permanently, or offer the same benefits that citizens receive -- only Congress can do that. All we're saying is we're not going to deport you.

I know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. Well, it's not. Amnesty is the immigration system we have today -- millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules, while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time.

That's the real amnesty -- leaving this broken system the way it is. Mass amnesty would be unfair. Mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. What I'm describing is accountability -- a commonsense, middle ground approach: If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. If you're a criminal, you'll be deported. If you plan to enter the U.S. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up.

 The actions I'm taking are not only lawful, they're the kinds of actions taken by every single Republican President and every single Democratic President for the past half century. And to those Members of Congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom of me acting where Congress has failed, I have one answer: Pass a bill. I want to work with both parties to pass a more permanent legislative solution. And the day I sign that bill into law, the actions I take will no longer be necessary. Meanwhile, don't let a disagreement over a single issue be a dealbreaker on every issue. That's not how our democracy works, and Congress certainly shouldn't shut down our government again just because we disagree on this. Americans are tired of gridlock. What our country needs from us right now is a common purpose -- a higher purpose.

Most Americans support the types of reforms I've talked about tonight. But I understand the disagreements held by many of you at home. Millions of us, myself included, go back generations in this country, with ancestors who put in the painstaking work to become citizens. So we don't like the notion that anyone might get a free pass to American citizenship. I know that some worry immigration will change the very fabric of who we are, or take our jobs, or stick it to middle-class families at a time when they already feel like they've gotten the raw end of the deal for over a decade. I hear these concerns. But that's not what these steps would do. Our history and the facts show that immigrants are a net plus for our economy and our society. And I believe it's important that all of us have this debate without impugning each other's character.

Because for all the back-and-forth of Washington, we have to remember that this debate is about something bigger. It's about who we are as a country, and who we want to be for future generations.

Are we a nation that tolerates the hypocrisy of a system where workers who pick our fruit and make our beds never have a chance to get right with the law? Or are we a nation that gives them a chance to make amends, take responsibility, and give their kids a better future?

Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents' arms? Or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?

Are we a nation that educates the world's best and brightest in our universities, only to send them home to create businesses in countries that compete against us? Or are we a nation that encourages them to stay and create jobs, businesses, and industries right here in America?

That's what this debate is all about. We need more than politics as usual when it comes to immigration; we need reasoned, thoughtful, compassionate debate that focuses on our hopes, not our fears.

I know the politics of this issue are tough. But let me tell you why I have come to feel so strongly about it. Over the past few years, I have seen the determination of immigrant fathers who worked two or three jobs, without taking a dime from the government, and at risk at any moment of losing it all, just to build a better life for their kids. I've seen the heartbreak and anxiety of children whose mothers might be taken away from them just because they didn't have the right papers. I've seen the courage of students who, except for the circumstances of their birth, are as American as Malia or Sasha; students who bravely come out as undocumented in hopes they could make a difference in a country they love. These people -- our neighbors, our classmates, our friends -- they did not come here in search of a free ride or an easy life. They came to work, and study, and serve in our military, and above all, contribute to America's success.

Tomorrow, I'll travel to Las Vegas and meet with some of these students, including a young woman named Astrid Silva. Astrid was brought to America when she was four years old. Her only possessions were a cross, her doll, and the frilly dress she had on. When she started school, she didn't speak any English. She caught up to the other kids by reading newspapers and watching PBS, and became a good student. Her father worked in landscaping. Her mother cleaned other people's homes. They wouldn't let Astrid apply to a technology magnet school for fear the paperwork would out her as an undocumented immigrant -- so she applied behind their back and got in. Still, she mostly lived in the shadows -- until her grandmother, who visited every year from Mexico, passed away, and she couldn't travel to the funeral without risk of being found out and deported. It was around that time she decided to begin advocating for herself and others like her, and today, Astrid Silva is a college student working on her third degree.

Are we a nation that kicks out a striving, hopeful immigrant like Astrid -- or are we a nation that finds a way to welcome her in?
Scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger -- we were strangers once, too.

My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too. And whether our forebears were strangers who crossed the Atlantic, or the Pacific, or the Rio Grande, we are here only because this country welcomed them in, and taught them that to be an American is about something more than what we look like, or what our last names are, or how we worship. What makes us Americans is our shared commitment to an ideal -- that all of us are created equal, and all of us have the chance to make of our lives what we will.

That's the country our parents and grandparents and generations before them built for us. That's the tradition we must uphold. That's the legacy we must leave for those who are yet to come.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless this country we love.

Check out this throwback photo of Governor Fayose and wife

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 11:57 AM PST

The couple pictured left many many years ago...and pictured right today!

Toyin Lawani releases behind the scene pics from Lordtrigg's video - Melody

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 11:45 AM PST

Looking at the white building with red accents on Fola Osibo, it is hard to imagine the scope of reach of the works that emerge from there and at the helm of it, is serial entrepreneur, Toyin Lawani.

Toyin Lawani is the CEO of Tiannah's place Empire and the Creative Director of Tinnahstyling. Her work as a Fashion Consultant and Stylist has been used and recognized by so many celebrities and great brands.

Such celebrities include; Styling of Wizkid feat LAX video "Caro", Wande cole's "The Kick", May D's "So Many Things", The most recent Tiwa Savage's tour in the UK.

Scripting and styling AMARACHI'S Dance Video, Directing and Styling Sukanmi's music video "OWO", Directing/Scripting and Styling Vector's video "Shiga as well as Lordtrigg's video "MELODY".

Going back to this white building with red accents and inside the gorgeously decorated interiors of her office, she was asked how and why she embarked on this journey that has brought her this far, she stated;

"I love art, and most of all, I love creating it. When I started off as a Celebrity Stylist, I always knew I wanted more, and by more I mean I also wanted to script, direct and produce music videos aside from applying my talent to different industries. Recently, we opened the doors of our new place and I'm proud to say that with the multi-departmental unit, we just dropped one of our latest projects, the new Lordtrigg's video- #MrProfessional - Melody."

The dance studio of the Empire was actively involved in the choreography of the new Lordtrigg's video "MELODY", Past success stories from the dance studio include "the Choreography for Mademoiselle Anglia", "Face of the Universe" and many more.

The Makeup was by Makeup by Tiannah's MakeUp, the Costumes were designed by Elegante by Tiannahstyling, the Hair by Tiannah's Salon, Photography by Tiannah's Studios, Video was shot at the MVP and the Okoya residence, all the pieces and looks were styled by Tiannahstyling, and it was all
Scripted/directed by yours truly "Toyin Lawani".

Below are Pictures from "Behind the Scenes" of making the video:

Watch the Video from "Behind the Scenes" below...

Instagram contest: New OMO Fast Action 2nd winner gets Washing Machine

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 11:34 AM PST

18 year old Bibian Onwuka, 100 level student of NnamdiAzikiwe University, Awkatakes a walk with a brand new LG washing machine as October winner on OMO detergent's Instagram handle, @omo_detergent. 

Speaking during the presentation of the prize in Lagos, Bibiansaid "It wasn't quite long I joined Instagram that I saw the competition and I posted my picture. I am so excited and surprised to have won. It was unbelievable at first. I was like, 'could this be real?' 

"Fortunately, my Mum sells OMO. As such, I have been using OMO from childhood. My experience with OMO has been fascinating. OMO has been advancing and the surprising thing is that, as the days go by, OMO advances extensively to an exceptional and outstanding detergent.
"It is an everyday experience for me.The New OMO Fast Action removes tough stains faster. OMO is the best and a pacesetter." Bibian said.

More winners are expected in the Instagram contest which will last till December. To be part of the contest, take a picture with the New OMO in your best attire and share it now on the OMO Instagram page - @Omo_Detergent  to win brand new washing machine.

Beyonce opens up about parents divorce in new single, 'Ring Off'

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 11:24 AM PST

Looks like Beyonce's new single 'Ring Off' may have been more about her parent's marriage than about hers. You see the way the two girls cut their dad off from their lives? He wasn't even invited Solange's wedding. Looks like he really hurt their mum and the girls are siding with Mrs Knowles.

On the track, Beyonce sings;
Mama, I understand your many sleepless nights
. When you sit and you think about Father. 
Or how you tried to be the perfect wife/ You used to dress and fix your hair
. Then you smiled through your tears
. In the mirror you would stare
. And say a prayer lLike, "I wish he said I'm beautiful
. I wish it didn't hurt at all. 
I don't know how I got here
. I was once the one who had his heart"/Until you had enough then you took that ring off
You took that ring off. 
So tired of the lies and trying, fighting, crying. 
Took that ring off
. Oh, now the fun begins
. Dust yourself off and you love again. 
You found a new man now you shine and you're fine
. Like it's my time, you took that ring off...

Defence HQ discredits all stories of liberation of towns by some hunters

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 11:55 AM PST

The Nigeria military just released a statement discrediting all those stories you've read about hunters and local vigilantes helping to liberate towns captured by Boko Haram in the North East. They are basically saying they are the ones who did it...with some help of course. I believe them. Find their statement after the cut...

Misrepresenting the involvement of hunters in the counter-terrorism operations
All the flimsy and exaggerated claims of hunters' exploits in the ongoing operations are simply intended to foster a mischievous campaign aimed at disparaging and depreciating the professional efforts of the Nigerian military at containing the terrorists especially in Adamawa.

It is obvious that the intention is to ridicule and discourage the military. We are not moved. While appreciating the effort of the hunters and citizens who have been supporting our troops in the onslaught, the military still remains in the vanguard of the mission to rid the nation of terrorists and their activities.

We will remain focused and utilize only well-meaning support and advice in the ongoing campaign to wipe out terrorists. Much as we are aware of the politicians who are promoting the campaign for whatever reasons, we will not be distracted by their antics.

The result of present efforts will soon manifest for the whole world to see and Nigerians and their military will not be diminished, as intended by those engaging in the campaign of calumny against the Nigerian military We however caution Nigerians not to allow themselves to be hoodwinked into danger by some false reports on so called liberation of certain areas by 'hunters' as we can only vouch for areas where the military has reported cleared of terrorists.

Fab photos of Omotola Jalade Ekeinde at AFRIFF 2014

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 11:23 AM PST

Here are some fabulous photos of Omotola at the just concluded AFRIFF in Tinapa, Cross River state. From the airport, to the hotel, to press conferences and the events. See the pics after the cut...

Photo credit: Daniel Sync/Sync PR

Interested in studying in the UK come January 2015?

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 08:11 AM PST

Meet Coventry University UK representatives in Ibadan and Benin City this November to discuss your course options (Oil & Gas Engineering, Oil and Gas Management, Petroleum & Environmental Technology, Law, Nursing, Public Health, Media & Communications, Finance, Marketing etc.), discounts and merit scholarships for the January 2015 start date on. Continue to see them...

1. Monday, 24th November 2014 11am – 1pm
Student Travel International - Ibadan
11, Ladoke Akintola Street, Off Aare, New Bodija, Ibadan, Oyo State

2.       Monday, 24th November 2014
2pm – 5pm
PFL - Ibadan
Behind Ostrich Bakery, Oni & Sons way, Ring Road, Ibadan, Oyo State

3.       Tuesday, 25th November 2014
10am – 1pm
Glory Educational Services Ltd - Ibadan
Ground Floor OGK Consulting Building, Opposite SS peter and Paul Major Seminary,
Bodija Ibadan, Oyo-Sate

4.       Tuesday, 25th November 2014
2pm – 5pm
UKEAS - Ibadan
Ile Oridetu, 1st Floor, 1 Shell Close
Onireke, Ibadan, Oyo State

 5.       Thursday, 27th November 2014
11am – 1pm
3AG Global Resources Ltd - Benin
2nd Floor, No. 66 Airport Road, Adjacent Chicken Republic, Benin City, Edo State

6.       Thursday, 27th November 2014
2pm – 5pm
MOD Education – Benin
No. 4, Imose Close, Off Boundary Road, Benin City, Edo State

Choi! Have y'all seen this Beyonce artcover for new single, 7/11?

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 08:09 AM PST

Beyonce released a new single titled 7/11 and this is the art-cover for it. It doesn't look scandalous at first until you look well. That's a female butt pressed up against a fence. Ha!!

FFK calls Governor Amaechi pot bellied, house boy, monkey and cultist

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 08:29 AM PST

In a post titled The Pot-bellied Creek Haramite And His Direct Threat, which he posted on Facebook, former Aviation minister Femi Fani Kayode slammed River State governor, Rotimi Amaechi, calling him a cultist, house boy and monkey. These our leaders have no chill sha..lol. What he wrote below..
''If the PDP rig the election in 2015 we will not go to court and we will make the country ungovernable. We will form a parallel government and there will be anarchy''- Governor Rotimi Amaechi.
It is time for the President to take off the kid gloves and put this pot-bellied little monkey in his place. Once a houseboy, always a houseboy. Once a cult member always a cult member. Once a peasant, always a peasant.
But why are our leaders saying stuff like this? That there will be anarchy in this country? Continue...

If Rotimi and his Haramite friends are looking for trouble then we should give it to them in full measure. It would be a pleasure. Anytime a cockroach shows it's head it ought to be crushed.
Treason is a very serious business and the brazen attempt to incite others to destroy our country, make it ungovernable and kill our people is even more serious. Have they and their Haramite army and secret military wing not killed enough people already in the last 3 years?
Whichever way they wish to play it and whatever they want to do we are ready for them this time. It will not be a one way slaughter anymore. If they kill our people after they lose in 2015 there will be swift, decisive and severe consequences.
Let this young man Rotimi and those that are using him prepare himself for the consequences of their madness. In 2010 they told the world that they would make Nigeria ''ungovernable'' if they lost the 2011 election and since then Nigeria has not known peace. Now they are saying it again. This time around our reaction will not be passive.
The only way you can fight madness is with an equal measure of madness. The only way you can defeat a bully is by mustering the resolve to face him down. The only way you can defeat a terrorist who delights in shedding blood is to visit him with a much higher level of violence and terror.
They will not kill our people and get away with it anymore. From now on it will be blood for blood. It will be an eye for an eye and it will be a tooth for a tooth. May God help us all.

Photos: UNICAL Economics lecturer allegedly stabs student in the eye

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 07:15 AM PST

Below is a report I just received from a student from the school. Read below...
A student of Computer Science Department of University of Calabar name withheld almost lost his sight after a lecturer known as Chris Otu in the Department of Economics, University of Calabar stabbed him with his-car key during lecture hour.
According to an eye-withness Mr Otu was supposed to have a class with year 3 students of Computer Science Department by 10.am, today 21 Nov. but he failed to appear after keeping the students waiting for two hours, he later appeared by 12-noon.
After the lecturer's arrival, the waiting students assembled themselves at the lecture venue New CES building room 7 behind Unical Library.
The victimized student who is the lecturer's class rep. took white board markers to the lecturer (Mr. Otu) which is a regular routine in various Universities in Nigeria. But the lecturer for no reason premeditatedly used a book in his hand to hit the student on his head and as if that was not enough, he stabbed him with his car key and walked him out of the class.
The injury was bleeding profusely when the lecturer who felt zero remorse told the injured student and other students in the class to go and ask around who he is.
Mr Chris Otu who lost one of his eyes during a battle is believed to be an ex-cultist and because this is Nigeria, he claims nothing can be done to him.
Now, they decided to take the case to the media. Hope the university authority will look into this...

Thermocool launches a new range of cool Air Conditioners

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 07:33 AM PST

Remember we told you Thermocool is celebrating 40 years of always been there for you! Yes, for 40 years Thermocool has been there through the ages. Well ere is another exciting piece of news from your favourite household appliance manufacturer.

Thermo has just launched a new range of innovative air conditioners under Haier Thermocool brand name into the Nigerian market. You want to know what stands Haier Thermocool AC out? Then wait for it

·         Did you know that the temperature of your sleeping area and how comfortable you feel in it affect how well and how long you snooze? Well, that's what expert says...
·         Haier Thermocool AC has intelligent air such that by the touch of a button the airflow can be adjusted not to direct airflow to your body, thereby  preventing users from the Air Conditioner Symptoms ( you know that queasy feeling where you feel like frozen meat)
·         It has a 3D airflow that delivers airflow horizontally and vertically, giving you a natural outdoor feel.
·         Not only these... Haier Thermocool AC has an Activated carbon that effectively removes the benzene, radon, VOC (Volatile Organic compounds) and other articles which are harmful to human body and has obvious purification function.- 
·         With Haier Thermocool AC, you don't have to worry about power fluctuation; the wide working voltage helps in power fluctuations and allows the AC work even at low voltage. It's Sleep and Auto mode for easy setting, noise reduction feature and Haier Thermocool ACs are easy to clean and yes....it comes with a child lock remote which help prevent children's wrong operation of the remote control.
·         Haier Thermocool air conditioner comes in 4 different ranges meeting the needs of various customers. Inverter range offers consumer 51% energy saving, while turbo plus offer fast cooling operation, Eco and Eco plus series offers low voltage operations. All the ranges come in various design options and equipped with copper condenser and 3 year warranty on cabinet and compressors.

·         The unique features of a Thermocool AC includes: Cooling Capacity, Power input and Energy Efficiency, Low Voltage Operation, In Built Voltage Protection, Noise Level, Auto Restart, Healthy Intelligent Air,  Healthy Dehumidification, Washable pre-filters, Copper condenser and much more.
 ·         What else could you want from an AC; Haier Thermocool AC has it all.
·         Remember when you think about quality, innovation, and stylish household appliances, then Thermocool is your ONLY choice. 
·         To find out more about Thermocool's innovative products log on to our website at www.thermocool.com.ng 

Check out the body of the transgender who tricked Michael Phelps into sleeping with her

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 07:11 AM PST

When you see her photos, you won't blame legendary swimmer Michael Phelps for getting down with her. With cosmetic surgery & weaves, it's hard to tell real women from men-turned-women these days

41 year old Taylor Lianne Chandler was actually born a boy, and named David Roy Fitch at birth. She revealed recently that she had a fling with Michael Phelps, 29, that involved sex. She told National Enquirer how they met and claimed he didn't know she was a transgender;
"We hooked up on the dating app Tinder, in late August. They finally met of Sept 21 when he invited me to his home to watch a Baltimore Ravens game. I was a bit nervous, but after a few minutes he made me feel so comfortable. One thing led to the next and we made love during halftime. Later we had intimacy again. The intimacy with him was amazing! It was the first time in my life that someone made me feel like a true woman."
"I never lied to him. We were together for such a short period of time. I never had a chance to tell him about my life."
If you were Michael, how would you feel if you later found out you had sex with a former man?

Dear LIB readers: My wife opens her breast in public to feed our baby and it annoys me

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 07:01 AM PST

From a male LIB reader
My wife and I just had our first child together and as is expected, she must have to breastfeed the baby but the annoying thing is that she brings out her breast to breastfeed him anywhere he cries for food and she doesn't even do it with any shame. Last Sunday my boss came visiting with his sons to greet our baby and as we were in my parlor talking, our son cried and immediately my wife just brought out her whole breast. Even my MD was embarrassed. I have told her repeatedly but she says what should she do? Shay she would not breastfeed her child again and that I am just "forming" unnecessarily. Abeg am I forming or is it normal for me to be angry?

Another military helicopter crashes near FUT in Yola

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 06:51 AM PST

According to Sahara Reporters, another military helicopter belonging to the Nigerian Airforce crashed in Damare, near the Federal University of Technology in Yola, Adamawa State, around the same spot where the last helicopter crashed on November 14th. The military is yet to say anything about the crash and no word yet if there are casualties. Details later

Bolo J - Ma Wife ft. DRjazz + D Way u Move

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 05:49 AM PST

Newly  signed  G-­Force  Records  artist  Bolo  J  (The  Black  Son),  One  of  Pretoria's  most  gifted  Nigerian  artist  is  here  with  smashing  two new  singles  titled  "D  Way  U  Move"  and  "My  Wife"ft  Dr.  Jazz.

Bolo  J,  Abdulahi  Durojaiye  Yusuff,  is  known  for  his energetic  stage performance  and  his  Ragga  style  of  music in  South  Africa. His  last  single  "Your  Love"  ft. Davido  which  dropped  online  few  months  back  is  still  making  waves  and  adding  more  numbers to  his large  fan base.

"D  Way  You  Move"  was  produced  by  FFI  Records Ace  Producer  Kimz  Beatz,  while  "My  Wife"  was  produced  by  Pretoria's  finest Producer,  who  at  the same  time  blessed  the  song  with  his sonorous  voice. Be  on  the  lookout  for  the  Audio  and  Visuals  of  "Sarewa"  ft Oritsefemi  and  also  "Fire"  ft  Runtown.

Listen,  Download  and  Share.
 Ma Wife ft. DRjazz


D Way u Move

Photos: Ibinabo Fiberisima, Segun Arinze, visit camp of displaced people in Gombe

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 08:14 AM PST

President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Ibinabo Fiberisima, actor Segun Arinze and other AGN members recently visited one of the camps for the Internally Displaced people in Gombe state.

Speaking about her experience, Ibinabo said she met children who didn't know where their parents were, missing out of school and spouses all displaced. See photos after the cut...

BTS pics of 2face, Wizkid, KWAM1, 9ice at video shoot for 'Dance Go'

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 05:04 AM PST

Hennessy Artistry headliners, 2face Idibia and Wizkid have shot the video for the much talked about theme track, "Dance Go". The video shoot which held at Koga studios was directed by music video director, Kemi Adetiba and featured exciting cameo performances from DJ Caise, Shaydee and EFA.

Other guests who were present at the shoot to show support to the headliners include King Wasiu Ayinde, 9ice, BBA contestant, Chris, Tola Odunsi, 2Shots among others. See pics after the cut...


Shocking video of man brutally beating a woman with a huge chunk of wood

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 04:49 AM PST

OMG! The brutal assault of a woman by a man in Brazil has gone viral online. The very disturbing 35 second video showing the man beating a screaming woman repeatedly with a huge chunk of wood was posted to Youtube a few days ago. The poster said it happened in Brazil but didn't say who the victim and attacker were. Though some comments suggested that she's his partner.

Now people are trying to identify the attacker so the police can have him arrested. I hope same thing happens to him. Animal! See the shocking video after the cut...

Merrybet Predict Wk 24: N4m jackpot to be won! Week 23 winners emerge

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 04:22 AM PST

Anyone of 120 people could be N4million richer by this time next week courtesy of your bookmaker "Merrybet". All they need is to get their second strike this week. If If you haven't started playing, you are definitely missing. 

For week 23 Highest Point Category, we have the 1st place from Anambra state while the 2nd & 3rd are Delta state. 

These are the winners for the Highest Point category for week 23: 
1st place: UwaomaEmeka, Anambrastate(Businessman - pictured left) 
2nd place: Timothy Abugu, Delta state (Businessman - pictured right)

3rd place:TekevweOberhiri, Delta state (Student)

To participate,simply logon to www.merrybetpredict.com to get your free weekly prediction and play.

Up for grabs this week:                                                          
Week 24Jackpot: N4,000,000
1st Highest point for the week: N100,000
2nd Highest Point for the week: N50,000
3rd Highest point for the week: N30,000
4th to 103rd (next 100 highest points): N1,000 mobile Airtime each

So Fuse ODG is in Lagos and no one invited me to his show? Na wa o..

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 04:01 AM PST

And nobody invited me? *hiss* #flipsweaveandwalksaway!

Pics: OJB's 3rd wife gets a kiss from him as she turns a year older

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 03:56 AM PST

Former DNMT dancer Korede Okungbowa getting a kiss on the cheek from her hubby, OJB Jezreel yesterday as she turned a year older. Korede is OJB's third wife and they have two kids together. See a pic of the happy family after the cut...

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