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Enugu State Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi visits the area disrupted by Fulani Herdsmen (Photos)

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:27 PM PDT

Governor of Enugu State - Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has visited the scene where Fulani Herdsmen attacked innocent people in Nimbo, Uzo-Uwani Local Government area of the state.

Pictured above, he's seen bowing his head & shedding tears over the gruesome murders that occurred.
The Governor is said to have declared two days fasting and prayer in the State, asking residents to commit the situation into God's hand.

Photo Credit: Facebook | Ifeanyi Aneke

Saudi Arabia is not ready to allow women to drive - Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:27 PM PDT

Saudi Arabia isn't ready to lift the ban on women driving, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman said, adding that it's not just a matter of ending strictures imposed by the kingdom's austere form of Islam. Allowing women to drive is not a religious issue as much as it is an issue that relates to the community itself that either accepts it or refuses it, said the 30-year-old son of King Salman.

"The community is not convinced about women driving" and sees negative consequences if it's allowed, the prince said on Monday after outlining a plan to reduce the kingdom's reliance on oil.

The prince had signalled his support for more freedom for women during an interview this month, saying "we believe women have rights in Islam that they've yet to obtain."

But when a reporter asked him about the driving ban on Monday, he said reform couldn't be rushed. Changes could happen in the future and we always hope they will be positive changes," he said.

Source: Gulf News

$2 billion arms scandal made me leave PDP - Former Bauchi Governor, Isa Yuguda

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:24 PM PDT

The immediate past Governor of Bauch State, Isa Yuguda has left the PDP. The former governor who spoke in Bauchi on Saturday, April 23 said his decision to leave PDP was informed by the $2.1bn arms scandal.
"I wish to tender my resignation as a member of the PDP effective from today, Saturday, 23rd April, 2016. My decision was informed by the shocking revelations on the embezzlement of $2.1bn meant for the procurement of arms to fight insurgency and reduce the sufferings of the victims of the insurgency,"  the statement reads.
"This dastardly act by the leadership and members of the government of the PDP has left a moral burden on all the members of the PDP. With $500m, the lives of the over two million deprived Internally Displaced Persons would have been better today
"I was a governor from the zone who received no material or financial support from the then Federal Government, and was also a witness to the wasting of human lives and properties because of the non-availability of fighting equipment and relief materials
"The realisation that the funds were embezzled which led to the death of thousands of women, children, young men and unarmed members of the Nigerian security forces have made it impossible for me to continue my membership of the party
"He who comes to equity must come with clean hands. Rationality, morality and common sense suggest that the PDP chairman should have cleared his name before aspiring to that position. In an ideal country, an allegation against a public officer compels him to resign his appointment
"In view of the foregoing reasons and my hard-earned reputation and other track records, I cannot be part of the characters that formed the present PDP leadership, as such, I do resign my membership of the party."

Bridge Vandals: RRS arrests two again (photos)

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:23 PM PDT

Barely 8 hours after parading a vandal for stealing bridge reinforcement and railings on Ijora Bridge, the operatives of the Rapid Response Squad of the Lagos State Police Command have again arrested two men for stealing railings of the First Mainland Bridge.
The men, Godwin Nwankwo, 23 and John Omeoha, 23 were arrested by the operatives when they were caught bringing out from a man hole 17 bars of reinforcement meant to firm up the bridge.
The lead suspect, Godwin Nwankwo stated that he stole the railings because he was desperately hungry and there was no alternative means for him to get money.

He noted that he has passed through the hole several times and he was curious to find out what was there. He pointed out that, last year (2015), he entered the manhole twice to steal railings.
He added that this year (2016), "I have entered the hole four times. From the money I made from those sales, I have saved N5, 000:00 in my bank account to assist me to travel out of Lagos.
Yesterday, I went there again. I invited my friend, John Omeoha. We stole 17 bars which we planned to sell to scavengers in order to raise funds.

Unfortunately, just as we were bringing out the metal from the manhole, RRS operatives sighted us and arrested us.
My plan was to raise money to enable me relocate back to Enugu, where I repair handsets before coming to Lagos. I want to leave Lagos because my life has been meaningless here", he stated.
"I broke my waist while working with a gas pipeline laying company in Lagos. This is where my problem started. I spent two months in hospital.
When I was discharged, I was advised not to do hard work. So, the easy way out for me is to scavenge for a living. That is why I need to move out of Lagos.
I was invited to come down to Lagos from Enugu last year by a friend. On getting to Mazamaza, pickpockets stole my phones and money. Since then, I have not been able to locate my friend. I live in parks and shanties in order to survive", said.
His accomplice, John Omeoha noted that he was invited to come and assist him.

True story of how a former ISIS jihadi escaped the group's clutches after becoming disenchanted with life in the group

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:23 PM PDT

38 year old Abu Ali was typical jihadi material, adrift and disillusioned, he divorced his wife and made his way to Syria to join ISIS in a bid to 'be a good Muslim'.  Life in the group however was not as advertised. He began to have doubts after being made to watch the horrific execution of fellow Jordanian Moaz al-Kasasbeh, a pilot who was burnt to death in a steel cage after his plane came down in ISIS territory.

 Ali's dalliance with the group and Hus daring escape is documented in a book by Robert Worth titled A Rage For Order. It won't be released till September but here is a lengthy extract culled from dailymail.

"One morning in mid-January 2015, a small, furtive-looking man in a black hooded parka stood alone on the Turkish side of the Akçakale border crossing with Syria.
The man glanced around uneasily, and finally approached a street sweeper in a blue jumpsuit. 'I want to cross to the other side,' he said. 'What can I do?' The street sweeper demanded 75 Turkish lira and pointed to a small hole in the fence, not far from the main gate.

The man paid him but hesitated. He had come a long way, and was now barely 10 metres from his destination: the dusty brown hills of northern Syria, where the Islamic State began. 'What about the guards?' he said. 'No problem,' the street sweeper replied. 'Just go.'

The man walked towards the hole in the gate. He bent down and squeezed through. On the other side, he began to run. One of the Turkish guards saw him and shouted. He did not stop.
The newcomer's name was Abu Ali, 38, from Jordan. He had another name and another life, but like most migrants to the Islamic State, he had cast it off. He wanted to be born again.
After an hour or so, a car appeared, and an Isis man drove Abu Ali to a reception house not far away. It was a large, one-storey building with a garden out back, and about a dozen other new arrivals were getting acclimatised.

'It was like an airport,' Abu Ali told me. 'I saw Americans, English, French, people from other countries – there was only one Syrian.'
For the next five days, he slept on a mattress and talked endlessly with the other migrants, who mostly spoke English. The Isis officials told them they were investigating their backgrounds.
There were chickens in the garden out back, and the emir insisted that only the Americans and Europeans be allowed to slaughter them. It was training for killing infidels, he said.

At the end of five days, the new recruits were told it was time to leave. Abu Ali got into a minibus with about 15 others into the Bel'as mountains, a dry, craggy range of dun-coloured peaks to the east of the city of Homs.
For the next two weeks, all of the men would be woken up before dawn. They would perform the dawn prayer, then go outside for running and press-ups before the sharia lessons began at first light. The lessons were very basic, focusing on the difference between Muslims and non-Muslims, and the requirement to fight infidels and apostates.

One night the emir in charge of the training course, a bald Syrian with pale skin who, in his previous life, had been a history teacher in Homs, said there was a special event in store.
Once the men were all seated on the cave floor, the emir turned on the projector and a video flickered on the cave wall: an Arab man in an orange jumpsuit in a cage. Flames licked towards the cage, following a trail of petrol, and engulfed the man.

A voiceover intoned that this was the Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, who had been captured after his plane crashed. His grotesque execution by fire, in February 2015, was seizing the world's attention at that moment, and even some jihadis were denouncing it as an immoral act.

The emir stood up and explained that this pilot had dropped bombs on Muslims, and his execution by fire was a just retribution under Islamic law. The men listened in silence.
Abu Ali soon sensed dozens of eyes turning in his direction. He was the only Jordanian there, and they all knew it. He had not said anything, but his horror at the video must have been visible on his face. The emir also stared at him.

This was clearly some sort of loyalty test. Abu Ali felt their eyes on him, and he began to shake. He had been taught as a child that burning a man to death was forbidden in Islam. The images had sickened him. He heard himself say, 'May God help me.'

Two Isis guards took him by the arms and led him out of the cave. The emir followed later. He sat down on the rocks with Abu Ali and asked him why he had spoken those words. Did he question what Isis had done? Abu Ali said no. He had only spoken out because people were provoking him.
The emir seemed satisfied. 'At the beginning of this course you were a kafir (an unbeliever),' he said. 'Now you are becoming a Muslim.'

Abu Ali was intensely relieved. He had escaped punishment. But from that moment on, he told me, 'I began to suspect everything around me.'
He had joined Isis in the hopes of getting a desk job and making himself into a good Muslim.
In his previous life he had frequented bars and clubs and partied several nights a week, despite his wife's constant haranguing. She was infertile, and the absence of children made their days especially empty.

By 2012 his father's government work had stopped after the rebel Free Syrian Army entered Aleppo and his profligate life began tilting towards despair.
He was living off handouts from other family members abroad. Abu Ali declared that he was divorcing his wife. In Islamic law, that's all it takes. She moved out.
After that, Abu Ali felt he had nothing left to lose. 

When the two-week sharia course was over, most of the men were transported to another group of damp mountain caves a few miles away. They now started the military training class. Abu Ali, with his smoker's lungs, would just sit down on the rocks when he got tired.
The trainers shouted at him, and he would hold up his hand and shout back: 'I'm doing administration, not combat.' He was already getting a reputation as a laggard.

On the last day of the course, the men were summoned from their cave in the morning and asked to recite an oath of loyalty. Abu Ali found himself standing with about three dozen other men near a bus.
A Syrian commander in battle fatigues told them they were going to the frontlines in Iraq. 'Sir, I don't want to go to the frontline,' Abu Ali told the commander. 'They said I could do administration in Raqqa.'

The commander looked at him, stone-faced. 'You swore an oath,' he said. 'You must listen and obey now. The penalty could be death.' Abu Ali stood for a moment, registering the shock, then he walked towards the bus.
After a few days of travel, Abu Ali arrived in Garma, a village just west of Baghdad near the frontline.
He and another recruit dragged wounded men from the battlefield. It was terrifying work. They could hear and feel bullets whizzing past them in the pre-dawn darkness, and some of the men they dragged – there were no stretchers – were screaming in pain. 

On the morning of the third day, Abu Ali and a new friend named Abu Hassan walked together into the headquarters in Garma and confronted the Iraqi commander.
'We don't want to fight any more. You are leaving dead and wounded men behind.
'The prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, did not force men to fight against their will.' He knew he was taking a risk.
Abu Ali was packed on to a bus bound for Syria. The men on board knew they were likely to be punished. 

Arriving back in Raqqa, they were taken to a soccer stadium, known as Point 11: a notorious Isis prison and security centre.
A man arrived and addressed them. 'Brothers, do not say, 'I will not fight any more.' Just say, 'I prefer to fight in Syria.' You will be given one more chance.'
A few days later, Abu Ali found himself alone in a house in the town of Manbij, not far from the front. There was an internet cafe next door, and to his delight, he heard the chime of a WhatsApp message on his phone. He looked at it and his heart leapt: it was his wife.

She had written an old expression that they both liked: 'If you love something, let it go. If it doesn't come back, it wasn't meant for you. But if it does, it will be yours forever.'
Abu Ali found himself shaking with emotion. He apologised for his mistakes. He told her he wanted to come back.

Abu Ali said: 'The second I saw her first message I started hating them all. I said to myself: What have I done?'

He had heard a rumour that one of his comrades in the Iraq battle, a man from Morocco, had escaped to Turkey. He sent him a WhatsApp message. 

The Moroccan wrote back quickly. He said: 'Go to Raqqa'. Equipped with a sick-leave document, Abu Ali got on a civilian bus early the next morning. He was wearing an Afghan-style cloak that identified him as a member of Isis, and no one gave him any trouble.

By the time he arrived in Tal Abyad it was 9pm, well past dark. He found an internet cafe and went inside to wait for the next message. As he looked around, it became clear that everyone in the cafe was Isis: long beards, AKs on the shoulders, Afghan robes.

Abu Ali felt himself shaking. He tried not to look at anyone, but one man was eyeing him suspiciously. The meeting time came and went. It was almost 11pm, and the cafe would soon be closing. He said to himself: that's it, I'm done for.

Finally, just before 11pm, two motorcycles pulled up just outside, and one of the riders shouted through the cafe door at Abu Ali: 'The food's ready, sorry we're late.' Abu Ali got up to go.
As he did so, the Isis man who had been staring at him in the cafe stepped forward. 'Where are you from?' he said.
Abu Ali replied in an Aleppo accent – he figured a local by himself was less suspicious than a foreigner: 'I'm sorry, I'm late, I have to go.'
He walked out the door and got on the back of one of the motorcycles, scarcely breathing. But the bike took off down the road and no one followed.

The next day, after a sleepless night in a nearby house, the men who had rescued him from the cafe accompanied him to a remote stretch on the border.

Abu Ali crawled through a hole in the border fence to freedom on the night of 25 May 2015, just over four months after he had entered Isis territory.

Source: Mail Online

Photos: EFCC arrests Bayelsa governor’s ex-Aide for offering N10m bribe to EFCC official

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:22 PM PDT

A former Senior Special Assistant on Media to Bayelsa State Governor, Henry Seriake Dickson, has been arrested by operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. The suspect, Abnedgo Don- Evarada, was arrested on Monday April 25th in Port- Harcourt, Rivers State for offering a bribe of N10million to the EFCC's Zonal Head in Port- Harcourt, Mr Ishaq Salihu.

Don-Evarada ran into trouble when he approached Salihu, over a case involving the Senior Special Assistant to the Bayelsa's state governor on Millennium Development Goals, Apere Embelakpo and his wife, Fiene Beauty. Embelakpo is being investigated for alleged diversion of N800million, being funds meant for the Millennium Development Goals, MDG, while his wife is being investigated for alleged money laundering, forgery and suspicious transactions to the tune of N200million.

According to EFCC, Don- Evarada offered the bribe ostensibly to compromise the EFCC investigation but his overture was turned down and was arrested. He is being kept in the custody of the EFCC and would be charged to court as soon as investigation is concluded.

Tottenham star Dele Alli wins PFA Young Player of the year Award

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:19 PM PDT

Dele Alli, one of Tottenham's star players this season has been rewarded for his fine form throughout the season as he won the PFA young Player of the Year Award on Sunday night. Dele, who has helped Tottenham to a surprise title push has scored 10 goals and 9 assists this season. His brace against Stoke last week continued his campaign and he is now almost a certainty to be in England's Euro 2016 squad.

Photos: Doctors remove giant 15-kg tumor from man's abdomen

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:18 PM PDT

Doctors have removed a giant tumor from the stomach of a man in Chengdu, China. The man identified as Zhang from Leshan city, Sichuan Province had lived with a giant tumor in his abdomen for nearly ten miserable years.

Last Friday, doctors at a Chengdu hospital performed a six-hour surgery on the man. It was a difficult operation because the tumor, weighing around 15 kilograms, had caused distortion of the surrounding organs, which were subject to other injuries. But the doctors managed to remove the tumor successfully.

Despite the tumor making him look pregnant and causing serious trouble to his health, Zhang didn't do anything about it until recently because of his financial predicament.

Zhang's sister told Chengdu Business Daily that she could only manage to collect the 80,000 yuan (12,300 US dollars) operation fee after borrowing money from relatives. She is still asking for donations for post-surgery treatment.

Source: CCTV

Overseas study & career prospects..

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:17 PM PDT

UKEAS (UK Education Advisory Services) offers you the opportunity to discover how an international education can be a career and life changing experience especially in these challenging times. Get ahead in life, career and business by attending the UKEASEducation Exhibition in Abuja and Lagos

and get your dream of an international education qualification on track, you'd have one-on-one meetings with representatives of over 60 of the best International Universities & Colleges in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and more at the exhibitions to discuss your diversified Career and Study plans. Add life changing seminarsby renowned Speaker and Career management coach – Muyiwa Afolabi as part of the schedule of events for this year's exhibition and this is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss!

It's FREE Entry, FREE Application Processing, FREE Study Visa advice. Don't miss this opportunity. Register now at www.ukeas.com.ng/registration


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Olisa Metuh in intensive care after falling off a chair at PDP secretariat in Abuja today

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:14 PM PDT

National Publicity Secretary of PDP, Olisa Metuh, is presently at the Intensive Care unit of the National Hospital Abuja after he fell off his chair at the party's National secretariat in Abuja today April 26th. According to some members of the party, Metuh arrived the secretariat and was about to take his seat at a meeting convened by the ‎party National Chairman, Alimodu Sheriff when he suddenly slumped and fell off the chair. He was immediately rushed to the National Hospital where he is being treated at moment.

Saraki absent as Buhari meets with Dogara over 2016 budget

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 12:11 PM PDT

Senate President Bukola Saraki was conspicuously absent in a meeting President Buhari had with the leadership of the National Assembly today. According to Bashir Ahmad, the Personal Assistant to President Buhari on New Media, only the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, was in the closed door meeting with Buhari.

Rachel Roy releases a statement: "There is no truth to the rumour"

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 11:12 AM PDT

Designer Rachel Roy released a statement to People on Tuesday refuting reports that she is Jay Z's side chick or "Becky with the good hair". Below is the statement:
"I want to put the speculation and rumors to rest. My Instagram post was meant to be fun and lighthearted, it was misunderstood as something other than that," she said.
"There is no validity to the idea that the song references me personally. There is no truth to the rumors. "Consequently, online haters have targeted me and my daughters in a hurtful and scary manner, including physical threats. As a mother – and I know many mothers would agree – I feel that bullying in any form is harmful and unacceptable. I would hope that the media sees the real issue here – the issue of cyber bullying – and how it should not be tolerated by anyone.

Rising stars DNA Twins reportedly kidnapped on their way to Lagos on Sunday (pics from scene of alleged abduction)

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 10:11 AM PDT

Rising music stars, Blair and Clinton Roberts popularly known as DNA Twins were reportedly kidnapped on their way to Lagos last Sunday April 24th. After the cut, you will find the full story as shared by their brother and a witness...

My brothers CLINTON & BLAIR (DNA-TWINS) were kidnapped on Sunday morning en route from Abuja to Lagos. The transport company they used #EKESONS, was attacked, the driver was shot in the eye and the rest of d passengers were robbed but only my brothers were kidnapped. The kidnappers called us and are asking for a N6Million ransom. We think they are being held in KOGI state. The transport company # EKESONS has also denied all this saying that no1 is missing and all the passengers returned safely to Lagos. Please help us spread this and pray that they return home safe. God bless! Tag anyone you think can help.
A witness account below...
We boarded the bus from Ekeson bus Utako Abuja enroute to lagos, made a stop over at girri junction to pick up three other passengers. We stopped at Lokoja for some refreshments, after a 10-15 mins drive from lokoja, we were ambushed by some unknown gunmen who shot three times at our vehicle,we all ran into a nearby bush leaving all our belongings in the bus, when we got back most of our stuffs were left unscathed except for a few bags. A good Samaritan drove our bus to Ferma office at Kabba Junction, where doctors at the road safety office treated the driver and removed the bullets. The road safety officials took a head count from the passenger manifest and realized that two people were missing, a passenger by name Mr Ijeoma called the Abuja office to report the case and request for a new bus, which they swiftly responded to by confirming that two boys were kidnapped and the kidnappers are demanding a ransom of 6million, also the management sent a bus immediately which i personally found impressive. The bus sent by Ekeson Transport from abuja to convey us to lagos arrived around 3pm and we boarded and left for lagos at around 3:20PM without the twins onboard. The most amazing part of this story is that the transport company has denied this situation happening, they neglected to call the other passengers who survived to at least know how we were doing, they have refused to help with the ransom of 6million I hear now it's 10million and they have denied the boys been boarded on their bus despite evidence attcahed and witness. This incident occurred around 11:40am on Sunday the 24th of April 2016
Photos from the scene of the alleged kidnapping below...
How Gunmen ambushed and attacked their bus "EKESON transport" on their way to Lagos. shot the driver, robbed the whole bus and took away the twins away.
The kidnappers who contacted their family for a ransom of 6Million and demanded it's paid before 25th of April, which was yesterday, has increased the Ransom from 6million to 10Million Naira Today while speaking to their mom because they didn't meet up their earlier bargain. The boys are still alive as at this morning because they were allowed to speak with their mom for confirmation. According to their mom, they were crying profusely and begging for help.  They are presently being held in Kogi state.
The case has been reported to the Nigerian police. But we can't just fold our arms and do nothing. Please if you have any vital information that can lead to finding their whereabouts, kindly visit the nearest police station to give this information. Because the family don't have 10million to pay as ransom. They've not even raise 1M right now. Your information can help save their lives. As they are still doing all they can to try and raise this enormous ransom.
Please do help in every way you can to get the twins safe back to their family.
Below are pictures from the scene of the hijack. The Shot Driver, The Bus and every other

Respray/Oven bake your car for as low as N48,000 at Pristine Autos

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:53 AM PDT

Are you thinking of buying a new car? Are you tired of your car's same old look? Is your car losing shape & colour? Then you need to take advantage of the 40% discount oven bake and car respraying from PristineAutos.

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They are currently offering a 40% discount on any car we re-spray and oven bake at our workshop for unbelievable price of ONLY N48,000 down from N80,000 for salon cars. Offer valid till the end of March. Hurry now and don't miss this GREAT offer to give your car that brand new and shinny factory look.

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CCT and a Timeline of Inconsistencies - By Bamikole Omishore

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:47 AM PDT

Read the article below...
Potter Stewart, a renown Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court who played a significant role in the interpretation of Civil Rights laws, coined the basic phrase: "Fairness is what Justice really is." This phrase, conceived to propel the notion of every individual's equitable right under the law, demonstrates that an unbiased legal system, is a necessary component for justice to be dispensed.

As things stand, the case of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) against the Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, has proven to be full of contradictions and inequity. 'Contradictions' because since the case was in its preliminary stages, there has been a mismatch between the facts being propelled by the prosecution, the methods being employed by the tribunal, and the charges that have been brought against the Senate President.

Since the case was brought to light in late 2015, few weeks after Dr. Saraki's emergence as President of the Senate, members of the Nigerian public have come to understand that the charges against Saraki, and the testimony of the chief witness have not been in sync. 

Additionally, Nigerians have started to also understand that certain legal precedents have not been followed by the tribunal. For example, based on the non-adherence to Section 3, paragraph D of the act that established the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and the Tribunal,  the Senate President ought to be given an opportunity to respond to the charges brought against him.

One noteworthy instance that comes to mind is that in 2007, the CCT dismissed the charges against former Vice-President, Atiku Abubakar based on the non-adherence to the precedent clause. Another ocassion, in 2011, the same CCT quashed the case against Bola Ahmed Tinubu on the same ground. However, in what has been described by many legal practitioners as an abuse of judicial precedent, the same judicial body, with the same Chairman that delivered the Tinubu judgement, went back on the legal precedent that it had set on several occasions, and threw out the proviso which created a condition precedent clause before the  law can be applied against Saraki case.

What was even more disturbing, was the self-indictment by Dan Ladi Umar in the case, as he casually revealed that Tinubu's ruling was simply "made in error." This outright reversal stirs up questions regarding if Umar was under duress when he delivered his judgement; if the tribunal understands the legal implications of their actions; and if the same 1999 Constitution and Code of Conduct Bureau acts were not the documents used in the cases of Atiku and Tinubu.

Furthermore, the contributions of the prosecution's Chief Witness, Michael Wetkas, an operative of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has poked further holes in the prosecution's case. 

Some clear examples are Wetkas admitting that neither he nor his team investigated three crucial exhibits (11, 12, and 13) tendered as evidence against the Senate President. Another example is the witness mentioning that it was the EFCC that investigated Saraki, as opposed to agents from the CCB. In essence, the case before the CCT now is money laundering, instead of false Asset Declaration which it is created to handle.

These inconsistencies lend credence to what the Senate President and his team have been saying for a while: "This case is not about prosecuting alleged corruption, but about some powerful individuals settling political scores, using their control of the judiciary."

Finally, in another ruling by the Chairman of the CCT that demonstrates his bias in the Saraki situation, Mr. Danladi  Umar mandated the trial of the Senate President to proceed on a day-to-day basis - citing the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA), despite the fact that he has adjourned other cases - that are also under the purview of the ACJA.

This situation came to a head on Wednesday, April 20th, 2016, when the Counsel for the Former Minister of Niger Delta, Godsday Orubebe, argued that because the trial had earlier been moved from April 14 to 20 for continuation, their case should be heard before Saraki's case which was adjourned just a day before. However, Justice Umar insisted that the Senate President's case must continue, and stood down Orubebe's case - leaving many to question if in fact there is a timeline (as some have speculated) to convict Saraki by hook or by crook before a certain date. 

As the head of the Senate President's New Media team, based on all these observations, it has become not only necessary, but mandatory to let the Nigerian public know that as things stand,  the case against my principal, the Senate President, is concocted on shaky evidence as the outcome of the on-going cross-examination has indicated. As the prosecution is attempting to make this a media trial, I enjoin Nigerians to urge the CCT to make this a trial that is based on the substance and the spirit of the law. Doing this, would ensure that the process is free and fair, so that at the end of the day, we can all be able to claim that justice was in fact done.

Bamikole Omishore is the Special Assistant on New Media to President of the Senate

Prince's sister files legal documents saying he left no will

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:44 AM PDT

According to a new report by TMZ, Prince's sister Tyka has filed legal docs to open a probate case ... and she says as far as she can tell he left no will. Read the report below...
TMZ has obtained probate documents filed in Minnesota, in which Tyka asks the judge to appoint a "special administrator." Under Minnesota law, a special administrator is someone who is appointed when there is no executor named in a will.  
Tyka says in her docs, "I do not know of the existence of a will and have no reason to believe that the decedent executed testamentary documents in any form."
If Prince did indeed die without a will, the estate is divided equally among his siblings.

Tyka lists the people who are potential beneficiaries ... all of whom are half brothers and sisters. They are John, Norrine, Sharon, Alfred and Omarr. They are all living siblings of Prince. She also says she's an heir entitled to her cut.

It's interesting ... Tyka names Lorna as a deceased half sister who left no kids. Under Minnesota law Lorna's out of the game when it comes to getting assets. But Tyka never even mentions Duane, reportedly Prince's half brother, who is also deceased.

There's also a line in the docs in which Tyka says, "The decedent has heirs whose identities and addresses need to be determined."

Tyka then names Bremer Trust, National Association, which she wants to serve as the official administrator of Prince's estate. Tyka says she wants Bremer Bank because they have provided financial services to Prince for years, and they are well versed in his affairs and best suited to protect his assets.

Comedian Okey Bakassi and his wife share a kiss in new photos

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:38 AM PDT

Okey Bakassi shared the photos on his Instagram page and wrote "My best friend for 27yrs and wife for 15yrs ....still counting. Our kids say we're old but we believe we're still young. ..lol #soulmates #growoldtogether".

When important documents are wasted in wrapping puff puff (Photos)

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:26 AM PDT

According to Twitter User @DoubleEph, a friend of his bought puff puff while out today and it all came wrapped in pages of INEC voters register. See more photos after the cut...

New Music: Akin - Bamijo (Prod. Dj Coublon)

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:19 AM PDT

The Nigerian Girl singer Akin is back with a brand new song called 'Bamijo' produced by the Hit maker DJ Coublon. Download and listen to this masterpiece.

Bamijo is a sweet love song with great and meaningful lyrics that will keep your feet moving and your body dancing...

The song is well-written and well produced. This collaboration captures Akin's unique musical style perfectly and DJ Coublon's production ability to make a musical masterpiece.

Watch out for the music video, which should be dropping soon.

Download, listen and leave your comments below.

Download Akin's Bamijo Here: http://bit.ly/Akin_Bamijo

Alternate Download Link: https://my.notjustok.com/track/87703/akin-bamijo


Twitter: @AkinMusic Instagram: @AkinMusic Sound Cloud /AkinMusicOfficial Facebook: /AkinMusicOfficial

The English Premier League Table.... as at today

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:18 AM PDT

3 games left.....Chelsea's position tho!!

Photos: Pro-Saraki group clash with Occupy NASS protesters

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:15 AM PDT

Pro-Saraki group clashed with members of the Occupy National Assembly Protesters who are calling for the resignation of the Senate president. Both groups met at the entrance of the National Assembly and they began arguing over who should stay at the entrance and who should leave. See more photos after the cut...

Oh dear! Current Mr Ideal Nigeria shows off his eggplant on IG

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:11 AM PDT

Prince Ehirim who is the current Mr Ideal Nigeria shared this photo on his Instagram page and wrote "....and I heard someone saying exercising reduces a man's eggplant. And I say it's "false".. see the photo he shared after the cut...

Is this a Google photo?

Ash takes down the streets with an amazing music video

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:02 AM PDT

Ash the fast rising Nigerian Afro HipHop/Dance-hall artiste finally drops an amazing video for his Hit single "Don't Hate Me" song was produced by Young John and the video was shot in the streets of Lagos and was directed by one of Africa's leading directors iROK. Watch how ASH pulls loads of stunts in His debut video. Click Here ( http://goo.gl/4y5o1p ) to see it Now.

For inquiries call: 08068867172, 08178450604, 08034328534

Nigerian born Chelsea player Dominic Solanke wants £50k per week after just 17mins of playing football

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 09:01 AM PDT

Dominic Ayodele "Dom" Solanke-Mitchell, a Nigerian born player currently on loan at Vitesse from Chelesa has told Chelsea that he will only commit his long term future to Chelsea if the club pay him £50,000 per week salary and promise him more game time with the first team according to reports by DailyMail.

Dominic's demands are outrageous due to the fact he has only played 17 minutes of competitive football for Chelsea's first team this season. A £50k salary will represent a ridiculous 600% increase on the 18 year old's current salary.

Solanke, who is spending the whole of this season on loan at Dutch outfit Vitesse, will walk away from Stamford Bridge as a free agent in the summer of 2017 if he does not extend his agreement.

Dominic Solanke is represented by his stepfather who is in talks with Chelsea. Solanke has represented England at under-16, under-17, and under-18 levels.

IGP orders the arrest and prosecution of persons selling petrol in jerry-cans

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 08:59 AM PDT

Concerned by untold suffering as well as hazard emanating from the activities of black marketers, especially those who sell petroleum products inside plastic containers/jerry-cans, the Inspector-General of Police, IGP Solomon E. Arase, has directed all Zonal Assistant Inspectors-General of Police and FCT/State Commands Commissioners of Police to arrest anybody found selling petrol and other petroleum products in plastic container.

The IGP, who issued the directives in Abuja on Monday, April 25, said apart from the hardship this act is causing to fuel buyers, it has also rendered some innocent and law abiding citizens homeless due to fire outbreak from jerry-can petrol storage.

He noted that fuel products such as petrol are highly flammable and if not stored and handled properly, can seriously endanger people, property and the environment. While warning fuel attendants at filling stations to desist from selling petrol inside jerry-can/plastic container, the Inspector-General of Police said both the buyers and the sellers of the products will be arrested and prosecuted under the law.

The IGP, while assuring Nigerians of the Police readiness to fulfill its constitutional mandate, appealed for a more cordial relationship between the Police and the public.

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